Friday, August 9, 2024

Dutch Wonderland.

 Lena invited Austin and I along to Dutch Wonderland for the day.  They went a few weeks ago and got rained out and were given more tickets.  Austin used one of their tickets and I bought one to go along!  It was a very warm day and we hit the rides as soon as we got there.  The first ride was the roller coaster.  Bryce and I sat together.  Adrian and Austin were in front of us.  Hutner in front of them.  We took and off and screamed the entire ride!  I hollered over to Bryce that if he's too afraid, he should close his eyes.  Before we could count to twenty the ride was over and we were laughing like crazy!  It was a fun, wild start to the day!

Zayla and I took some rides together.  Lena and the boys went on more roller coaster rides.  Our bellies got a good tickle and we laughed on every ride!

After lunch, we went over to the water park.  The water felt good to our hot, sweaty bodies.  When we went back over to do more rides, it started to cloud up and the rides closed.  I brought Zayla back home with me and she was out  as soon as we hit the road.  Lena and the boys stayed awhile to see if they would open up the rides when the rains pass through.  They came back soon after we were home with another round of free tickets for another sunny day.

Amusement Parks are not my top favorite places to be at but this was fun to ride some fast and slow rides!  The kids loved it!!!!!

We ended the day with Rita's before leaving the park!  Hunter decided to go for another lemonade!

The kids giggled and giggled on this ride!

Lunch was from Auntie Anne's!

Zayla and I did the froggy hop together.

Our first ride was the roller coaster!  Here we go!!!!

Summer days like this are fun!  I'm ready for the tempts to cool down and bit but this was a great way to spend another fun day with cousins!