Thursday, August 1, 2024

Ashlyn goes to girls camp!

The month of July was full of many memories!  Just because I have been silent on here doesn't mean things aren't happening.  I'm realizing that when I spend time on the computer, the kids grab for gadgets too.  I try to keep it minimal!

Ashlyn loved camp again this year!!!!  She loved her counselors, her cabin, all the activities and just loves camp life!

Austin invited Adrian over for a sleepover and some fun time together!  I knew that with Ashlyn at camp all week, Austin would be begging to go to Adrians or to a friends house.  Ashlyn and Austin have so much fun together and he really misses her when she's not home.

The boys played some PS 5, baseball in the back yard and ate McDonalds!  They had a blast!

I just laughed and had to watch as the two of them play baseball in the dry back yard.  One of them would hit and take off for the bases.  The other boy would run to third base to coach the runner to else stay at third base or run home!  All was total imagination!  I loved watching them play this!

Mike and I snuck down to camp to spy on Ashlyn and the girls.  Like we expected, she was having a blast!

Shakia was in Ashlyns cabin and they had such a fun time!

Meanwhile, the big boy is playing baseball!  Matthew hasn't played baseball since before high school and it was such a fun time watching him play short stop and hitting home runs!  This kid is such a good athlete!

We picked Ashlyn up at after camp and she was tired, in need of a deep clean shower and much rest!  Thank you camp leaders for such a great week at camp!