This has been a snowy winter here for us and I'm A OK with it! Some winters are bleak and not so pretty and this snow has just been a nice touch of white for us to enjoy!
I grabbed a bunch of tulips at Target the other day for $7 and it's been a spot of cheer in the kitchen for me!
The garden in resting but it won't be too long before I will grab some seeds and "think" about planting plants in here!
I made a Dutch Baby and topped it with lemon curb and berries! So tasty!
With the weather being SO COLD this winter and all the snow, it's been hard to get a walk in at the park! The paths don't get cleared real fast and I'm not freezing myself to get a walk in. However, last week Linda and I did meet up there and the fountain is frozen while the ground promises that Spring is coming!!!!! See those daffodils coming through the ground?
And I found my favorite Valentine candle again!!!! Rose and Bergamot!!!! It makes the house smell amazing!
I'm gonna brag just for a minute here!!! I told myself at the beginning of the year that I would love to read more! The only way I figured this would happen is if I actually would read more!!!!! It's not complicated!!!!! 😂 So, here I am in February and already on my second book! I think I read through two books all last year so I think this goal is helping!!!!! Zoey is here all week and she's got me company as I read!
Also, trying to get some extra vitamins in each day with drinking two oranges and one grapefruit!!!! Love it!
Let's just say workout class for me has been tough, many, many sore muscles but somehow I keep going back!!!!!! I do love the class and the ladies in my class! I would never push myself like this working out here at home. I'm the type that needs some accountability and this is it for me!!!!! Last week, Suz had us workout in times. Start with 20 seconds, then 40, then a minute and then work back down to 40, 20. Your muscles are screaming by the time you got done with one exercise and then we moved on to another exercise. These are the weights I used the entire hour of workout class and I hurt so bad the next few days because of my muscles getting worked!
And on the way home, I passed this farm that has a driveway about a mile long. A man and lady were both out scrapping the entire driveway!!!!! The work ethic in our county is incredible!!!!!!
Ashlyn helped Hadassah clean at Site Prep on Saturday morning and Jeremiah was working on tile in the shower at Matthew and Daisy's house. So, we all ended up over there helping Matthew clean up the floors and empty out the trash barrels! Hadassah did some sanding while the kids and I shop vaced the floors!
There's still a lot to do at the house but things are coming together! It's gonna be so cute!
Arie came for a visit on Sunday night as we played a game of Monopoly!
The kids had off of school since last Wednesday! Winter break is usually spent somewhere warm for us but this year we stayed home. Yesterday, Wyatt asked if Austin could come over and they had a blast mudding with the four wheelers!
Winter is my least favorite month but it's a time of extra rest, extra snuggles and time at home!!!! I can hardly believe that it's mid February already!!!! Spring come quick! We are ready for you!!!!!