Friday, August 23, 2013

Summer memories!

Being together with some cousins before school begins, is always a blast!!!

We've been wanting to spend the day with Rosie and the boys before school starts and so we finally got it accomplished this week!  We went down their way to a state park and spent the whole afternoon in the sun!!!  It was such a lovely, beautiful, warm, nice (did I mention it was so lovely?), type of day!  The weather was great for swimming and the kids all had a blast!!!

Here's Ashlyn loving the attention from Rosie!

Lena and Hunter joined the fun too!  He's such a cutie and so lovable!!!

Hadassah and Jeffrey were swimming all afternoon.  They got a good dose of sunshine again.  These two always have such fun!  Middle Scholars this year ... :)

Of course ... we need a crazy photo too!

Now, here we have Jeremy and Matthew.  For them, the day consisted of snacks, drinks, the pool and running through the sprinklers.  Throwing balls.  Never dull.  Never holding still.  Always thinking of the next thing to do. 

Yep, you expected it ... so here it is.  Another crazy photo.

Ashlyn with her good friends ... Aunt Lena and cousin Hunter!
This was another afternoon.  Rosie dropped in and the boys wanted to play.  They hooked up Matthew's boogie board to the four wheeler and around and around the house they went.  

Then they tried "surfing".  :)

The four wheeler gave it all it had to pull these kids around.  What a blast!


Another evening, Matthew was thinking outside the box and grabbed the runner sled and gave Ashlyn a ride down the ramp.  I love pictures like these!  They are so special and seeing the children have fun with their own creations is so fulfilling!

Ready?  Here we go!!!!

My favorite!!!  Matthew and Ashlyn are such great pals.  They fight the most together and then play the nicest together.  All in one ride!!!  :)  She adores her big brother and absolutely loves when he plays with her!!!

We did it!!!  It went the whole way down the ramp without them falling off or cutting a toe or scraping a knee!!!  Yeah!  "Let's do it again!!!"
With school being in session now, the house it only filled with Ashlyn's cute voice.  Well, at least until the others arrived back home!  Then things get noisy again!  Love it!  :)  She plays with her toy animals.  She cooks pretend food for me and Baby Kate and Baby Anna.  She looks at and 'reads' books.  Polly pockets are fun.  Riding her trike outside is something she mastered!  Both legs just pedal and pedal around the driveway!  
Her stage of life right now is still challenging and the training process is knee deep!!!  We deal with her wanting to do everything herself.  This includes going to the bathroom and strapping herself in her car seat.  Just last night, Hadassah wondered if she will out grow this independence stage?  Hadassah asked for a good night kiss from her and Ashlyn was not impressed.  It's got to be her mood.  Ridiculous.  One minute she's so lovable and the next minute she squeals when you look at her.  Help!!!  :)  We do pray that we will steer this determination the right way and not always give in to her having her own way all the time.  It requires patience and prayer and consistence.  We love her to death and I am convinced my life was boring before she entered our world!!!  :)))
Our summer has been so much fun and packed with nothing but wonderful memories!  We are so blessed to have good health, a God fearing church, a Christian Day School to send our children to each day, and born again family!!!  God is so good!!!
Even though school has begun, our summer will still linger just a few more weeks!  Stay in touch to see more fun events!  
~ Lori