Thursday, August 25, 2016

Before school begins ...

Our summer is flying by and school is just around the corner.  It was so much fun to have a late night out just one more time before we have to put bedtime curfew back in place!  We enjoyed a night out with this dear friends on Sunday evening.  We bought a ticket at the school sale for a limo ride to a seafood restaurant in Baltimore.  Thank you so much Ken and Nadene for selling the tickets and making this all happen!!!  The food was totally amazing!  The ride was fun!  The people we got to share this night was was perfect!!!!

But before we headed out for our dinner, I took a look at my calendar.  I grabbed the new school calendar and started filling in the new schedule.  School seems to run much of our schedule once it's begun.  We are in a brand new stage this year.  One highscholar.  One middle scholar.  One in kindergarten.  And a toddler.  Each child is in a new stage in life and Mike and I try to keep up.  :)

We have a water cooler and mower for sale.  If anyone is interested, let us know!  Both work fine.  The water cooler is great for keeping drinks cold and fresh.  The mower is also great but we upgraded to a bigger mower.


Austin is growing up so fast.  He moved from baby into toddler in the past few weeks!  He is entering my all time favorite stage!  He eats just about anything by now.  I was beginning to think he would never get to this stage!  But now he's there!  And it's fun to sit him in his high chair and know that he will eat and be filled!  He just learned how to walk at the beach!  It has made him more content and he is trooping all around the house!!!  It's way too cute!  His favorite toy right now is his bat and ball from Colson.  He swings it hard (like it really does hurt if you happen to be the one he swings at).  He knows how to throw a ball.  We would like to think we have a future ball player in our house!  Austin also just got his first haircut!  I loved his longer hair but knew that once it gets trimmed up just a bit, he will look older and better!  And just like I hopped for, he does.  He is so cute and adorable and kissable and fun!  With him being our most challenging baby, I am ready for some fun and lots of laughter in this next stage in his life!!!


My cousin Ashley cuts hair and she was the one to give Austin his first haircut!  Thanks Ashley!

He held still for a few seconds at a time.  Just long enough for her to make a cut.  :)))
And there he goes walking.  (Before haircut picture.)

He stands up all alone really well.


We went the pool on last time before school begins.  The weather was perfect.  Full sunshine and no humidity.  80's.  My type of weather!!!

What will he do when she goes to school???

Best of friends!

Always on the go!

 Ashlyn has a love for ring pops.  If she finds out that there is a ring pop available, she will try her very best to beg for one!  It worked today because it might be the last trip to Nickle Mines Pool for this summer.

And somehow her little brother got to liking this too.  Sigh.  They attempted to share until Austin totally took charge of having the ring pop on his finger.  :/

She's so happy to have a ring pop at the pool.

These two little people take up much of my energy and time right now!!!  I love being their mom!  The two oldest came along to the pool too today but they were off swimming with friends in the bigger pool.  I stuck around the kiddie pool with these little ones.

And better yet, we got to all swim with cousins! 

Our little kindergartners this year!!!

And he nicely just plopped right inside our pool bag to eat a snack.

When school begins our summer vacation ends.  Thank you SUMMER for being so good to us this year!!!