Wednesday, May 9, 2018

May blossoms.

This is now May and we are loving that the seasons have officially seemed to change!!!  We've had a cold Spring and May has now brought us some days of upper 70 and even some 80 degree weather!!!  I just absolutely love it when the children come home from school and they drop their back packs and run right back outside to play!!!  There favorite thing right now is to jump on the "jumpaline".  Matthew and Ashlyn love to jump on it and so does Austin even though he doesn't like when they jump too high.  Then after they jumped off some energy, Matthew will shoot some black birds and Ashlyn will find her way to the garden or to the baby kitties.  And that's when you will find Austin driving around and around the house with his hunting jeep.  I love to have the kitchen windows open and hear them giggle and play outside.
The other day the children were on the trampoline jumping and I called for them to jump in Hadassah's car and we were off for some quick pictures in Kauffman's orchard.  They weren't real into it at first but like usual, it ended up being a great time.  They both changed into clean clothes and gave me these cute smiles!!! 

The thing I love about mini sessions is that they really don't have to require a lot of time!  This really only took about 30 minutes and now we have fresh, new updated spring photos!

These two love each other so much!  Austin is ready for school to be out so he can have this girl by his side all summer long!!!  They do so much together and play great!  Right now Austin's request almost every morning when we drop Ashlyn and Matthew off at school is, "Ashlyn, pick me a dandelion today!"  And of course she does.  We've had so many squished dandelion's on the bottom of her backpack!  I'm so looking forwards to spending quality time with these two at the pool this summer!  It's going to be a blast!

 On Saturday, Jody and I took the little ones with us garage saling.  There was a big development we went to and the children did good. 

When we got home, they decided to get the pool out for a few quick splashes!

That night Mike and I went out to eat with Matt and Lena while the kids played back home with Alie as a sitter.  We ate and chatted but when we got back home, I didn't feel so good.  I went back to the bathroom and felt like I was going to throw up.  And I did!  Everything I ate that day all came up.  What was this?  I felt fine earlier but not anymore.  I felt horrible!  I laid on the couch and stayed there all night. 

I woke up early Sunday morning feeling miserable!  My legs hurt.  My head hurt.  I felt so weak.  I crawled into bed and pretty much stayed there for the entire day.  Mike was home with the children and Ashlyn stepped him through breakfast.  She wanted pancakes and eggs and showed him where the ingredients were and told him how to make it.  :)))  Hadassah is deep into allergy season right now and so she was in bed too sleeping it out.  Later on when she came over to our bed and looked at me she asked, "What happened to you?"  I said, "I got hit by a truck."  "Mom!!!  Why are you not in the hospital?"  "No, Hadassah!!!  I didn't really get hit by a truck but I feel like I did!"  I was feeling so terrible and my body hurt and I guess I got blasted by the flu!  It wasn't until later that night that I ate some toast and peaches and finally felt some relief from my sore legs.  It was so weird how fast it came on me but with a good nights rest on Sunday night, I woke up Monday morning feeling much better!

When I'm laid up or sick my mind goes right to those who feel like this a lot.  People that are fighting diseases and sicknesses and cancer!  How must they feel day after day???  I cried as I thought back a year ago this time when Dad Lapp was fighting his hard fight with pancreatic cancer.  I'm sure he had many days when he would have felt like complaining and not feeling well but he never complained.  What a testimony!!!

When I got back in the kitchen on Monday morning I was eager to wipe down the counters and clean up the house.  It's amazing how mom's do their little touches and not even think much about it.  But as soon as I'm not around for a day, it sure looks like I was missing!  Mike did a good job at caring for me and the children!  Thanks Babe!

On a cheery note, I got another new magazine through the mail!  I can't wait to sit down and enjoy this read!!!

And here's the reason Hadassah has been sneezing and blowing her nose so much!!!  I love these cherry blossom trees!  It feels like I'm living in a cotton candy world for a little bit!

Hadassah went to school on Monday but now she wasn't feeling the greatest.  Was it allegories or does she have a touch of what I just had?  She called before lunch and asked for me to come pick her up.  She also said that she still has a round circle on her stomach that's been there since Florida.  What?  I had given her some cream to use and forgot about it.  I thought it looked like ringworm.  So, I made an appointment with a doctor just down the street.  We went and got it checked out and now she's using a fungus cream to clear it up.  He also gave her some eye drops to help get rid of the stye in her eye. 

I ended up going to the same doctor yesterday for myself.  I've had an itchy scalp for over a year now and I've tried many remedies to see if it would help!  It's on my scalp and it itches and gets these little scabby heads on it, kinda like a mosquito bite.  It's been getting worse and when my ears started to itch a few weeks ago, I knew I wanted to finally go get a doctors advice.  I love our family doctor but they are in Ephrata.  It's a 25 minute drive one way and so I only go when its really necessary.  I started looking up on the Internet some skin specialist but then thought that maybe the same doctor I had Hadassah at could help me.  That office is just down the street and so how easy could that be?  I called and made an appointment and now I finally have a name for my scalp condition.  Seborrheic Dermatitis.  It's in the same family as psoriasis or eczema.  I now need a medicated shampoo to help rid of this itchy, annoying skin issue!  It's times like these that I am so, so grateful that we have doctors that can help us with big or small health problems!

The tasty summer treats are finding their way to our kitchen!!!  I made fresh meadow tea the other day and the kids are loving it!!!  The kitchen smelled so good!  Also, watermelon was served at the supper table last night!  That was also a hit!  We are picking fresh spinach and kale from the garden!  It won't be long until the lettuce plants and other spring foods will be ready for picking!

May is a very busy month for us!  It's the time of year when we finish up school.  Take field trips.  Attend track and field.  Go to awards assembly and the spring program.  Hadassah is finishing up her last weeks of Club Volleyball and Matthew is in the middle of his little league season.  Mike's busy at work and helping with the church building project.  I love this time of year and want to watch the children finish school on a strong note!!!

We are too blessed to be stressed and I'm very grateful we are all back to good health!!!

Enjoy the season you are in right now!  Lay down on your back, even if it's just for a few minutes, in the back yard and stare up at the blue sky!  Listen to the birds sing!  Admire the flowering trees!  Go barefeet and feel the green grass!  Visit a greenhouse and get your fingers in some fresh potting soil!  It's so wonderful to live in this flourishing earth!  I love the month of May!!!