Thursday, February 21, 2019

Week of LOVE and snowflakes!!!

February is the month focused on love and winter.  Today we are all home and off of school because of the snow falling outside.  The forecast is saying 3 inches!  We will wait and see?!? 

Ashlyn and Austin woke up asking for snowman pancakes.  They then bundled up and went out in the snow but didn't last real long because Austin wore his rainboots instead of snowboots.  :((  He came back inside with cold feet and said, "Mom, can you turn on Peter Rabbit Christmas for us?  And make us Christmas cookies and hot chocolate?"  I think I mentioned Christmas and snow together one too many times because every time it snows, he thinks it's Christmas!  :)

The laundry is going!  My coffee cup is empty and might get filled again today!?!  The snow is still falling and that's the perfect recipe for some hot chili soup for supper!!!

This is another winter day with snow outside and warm drinks inside!!! 

She loves to throw snowballs at Austin!

And look at these most adorable snow angels!!!!!!