Monday, July 15, 2019

Matthews birthday!

Our oldest son is now another year older! Matthew is growing up and is becoming a young man and we are proud of him!!! Mike took Matthew out on Saturday for a round of golf, to Gracies on West Main for breakfast/lunch and then to the bike shop to shop for a bike for Matt! He’s wanting a bike to ride for jumps and tricks and after two bike shops and scanning the clearance section, he bought one!!! He’s been riding it nonstop and really needs to get to work with making some ramps! 🥴 Jumps on bikes sounds a bit scary for this momma! But it called adventure and fun for a fourteen year old boy! 

Matthew is doing such an amazing job at the shop this summer. He leaves the house early with Mike, carries a big packed lunch and a big igloo of water now! He’s loving his new summer job and new paychecks! 🤗 He also still mows the car wash yard and cleans out the vacuums there! It’s a messy job with lots of dust in those vacuums but the money and treasures are his to keep! 

He is excited to eat at DJs Diner tonight because they serve his all time favorite cheeseburger there! It will be a messy eat but he will be thrilled!!! I can’t wait to have a cherry coke! 😋 

Happy Birthday, Matthew!!!! We love you so much!!!!