Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Lived to be 90!!!

We laid to rest Mikes grandpa (Daudy King) on Sunday. He lived to be 90 years old!!!! Daudy was a very kind, gentle man with a huge heart for his own children, grandchildren, great grands and great great grand babies!!! He was married for over 60 years to the same sweet lady, Susie King! 

Just two weeks ago, we took a supper meal to Daudy Kings. I baked ham, potatoes, green beans and cabbage all in one dish and Mike and I sat down in Mommy’s kitchen and we ate together. It’s now a meal I will never forget because it was Daudys last full meal he ate here on earth. They both complimented on the meal and both had crunch bars to finish the meal. It’s times like these when it doesn’t take that much effort to do and always worth it! Daudy talked about wanting to go fishing one more time in Florida this upcoming winter. He said that his next stop is heaven! Mike said to him, “Daudy, don’t you forget to pray for you grandchildren!” He smiles and said, “Michael, don’t you forget to pray for your Daudys!” And did we ever the last few days! 

The next morning, Daudy was rushed off to the hospital because of a headache and not responding. Seeing Daudy end up in a hospital bed at his own bed waiting for the Lord to call him home, wasn’t easy. A man that so many people loved, has now passed on into eternity! 

We will miss you Daudy King!!!!

We love you Mommy!!!

Mike was a casket bearer. He loved his Daudy King and looked up to him as a man of faith! 
Daudy loved Jesus!

(The birthday party photos are from Daudys 90th party that we attended in May.)