Friday, May 15, 2020

Another year older.

Time is just ticking away.  The years are flying by and I had another birthday this week.  With COVID-19 still making us be in "stay at home" orders, we had to get creative with how we were going to do my birthday meal.  I was feeling Mexican and so I called up El Serrano and asked if we could order for take out!?!  Yes we could!!!!

Jeremiah and Hadassah drove the Yukon with the little ones and Mike and I took his truck to the restaurant.  We loaded up a table in the back of the truck with some folding chairs and had plans on tail gating.

When we arrived, we picked up our take out order and enjoyed the food in the parking lot.  Mike and I sat in the back of the Yukon laughing and enjoying the chips and guacamole while the children ran through the parking lot and having a fun time.  The food was great and we ended up ordering fried ice cream for dessert!  The server that took our phone order brought some 'to go waters' out to us in the parking lot and commented at how it's been almost three months since he served a table!!!  People are getting so ready to work normally and serve tables!  We can't wait for this too!!!!  Eating in a restaurant parking lot is not the greatest thing ever but it sure filled my love tank to be with my family and have them celebrate with me!!!!  I loved it!!!!

Here's my dish that got devoured between Ashlyn, Austin and I!

Love these two!!!!

Time for dessert!!!!

We came back home and all snuggled together and watched "Cool Running's".  This is an old classic that we used to watch when Mike and I were teenagers.  I laughed to tears at the funny scenes and it was just the best way to end the fun evening!!!!  Laughter is so good during these quarantine days!

The kids got me some gifts that I absolutely love!!!!  Look at these cute shoes!!!!

Mike is gifting me a new laptop computer for Mother's Day and birthday combined.  Because stores are not open for business yet, because of the coronavirus, he has intensions of ordering online.  I'm excited about this gift and can't wait to use it!!!!!  Thanks Babe!  What a gift!!!!!!

Turning another year older doesn't make me feel older even though I am slowly, thankfully slowly, seeing some signs of my age.  I still feel young at heart and feel like I can conquer a lot throughout my days.  It's moments of when I watch Hadassah with Jeremiah that makes me feel older.  It's when I think about our oldest being a senior and graduating in two weeks that make me age a bit more.  It's the times when I used to do most the mulching myself but now would dread to think of doing that.  My body would not appreciate that at all!!!!  My skin is not as tight and I see some wrinkles.  But we all know that we never grow younger and so to embrace my age and take it as it comes is good enough for me.  Not sure how else to handle it!  I am in my thirties for one more year and I hope it will be grand!!!!!

I'm blessed to be in excellent health!  I am so blessed!!!!