Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Memorial Day Weekend!

COVID-19 still has us still in the red zone for most counties but slowly stores are opening their doors and people are gathering.  There feels like there is light at the end of this tunnel but we move ever so slow.

Do we still do our annual Memorial Day Weekend with friends?  We called and asked the owner and they were saying yes to coming!  So we did and had such a great time!!!!  We've been friends with these families for many years and have done this vacation for over ten years now!!!!  We have stayed at different cabins but each year we have such a good time!

Trophy Whitetail Lodge is where we stayed at for the weekend!  The kids loved the pool and actually used it a lot!  The weather seemed to go to chilly to summer overnight!

Ashlyn learned how to braid flowers/weeds.

Matthew did go with us and took along a friend.  But him and Ryan decided to not be in the picture.  Teenage boys for ya.

Martha Rose always does a fun afternoon of events for the kids.  This time she planned out a scavenger hunt and had prizes and candy.  Someone loved it!!!!

All week Austin was talking about his friend Mason that will be at the cabin.  It's funny because some of the families we only see a few times a year but he couldn't wait to be with his friend Mason again!  They had a blast together!  Martha Rose gave out water guns to all the boys.  Let the fun begin!

These guys and their games ... Acquire is always on their minds and they love to play!

These kids are growing up fast!!!!!  We have some girls with a whole bunch of boys!  Ashlyn loves these friends!

The kids swam during the day and then played volleyball and then did gadgets and then ate and then eventually slept.  The weekend was full of laughter and giggles and even the moms played lots of volleyball with the girls.  My favorite was when the adults played the best out of three volleyball games!  It was good playing and so much fun!!!!  The campfires are always a highlight and of course much was talked about our governor, the president and the COVID-19 pandemic.

 Thank you families who joined us this weekend!!!!  Your foods were all great and very delicious!

These kids were having a dance party while that chicken was cooking on the BBQ!!!!!

Thank you also to all those who serve/serves/served our nation!!!!  Many have died and sacrificed family weekends together to give us freedom!!!!!  Thank you all!!!!!

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!!!!!

God bless those who serve!!!!!