Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Christmas week ...

 2020 sure is one for the records and even the planets are doing amazing things!  I wish we could've seen it happen but it was too overcast to see Saturn and Jupiter come so close together!

My phone decided to only work if plugged in and so I needed to make a phone shopping stop.  A new iPhone 12 it is.  My old iPhone 6 served me well but I am ready to have a better camera and reliable functioning.  As soon as I took it in the cold outside, it would go from 100% to 10%.

On Wednesday, we had school parties.  They were so fun this year!!!!

Such cute Kindergartner's!!!!

Fourth grade had a Daffy meal.  Each child had utensils that the parents sent into the classrooms and that's what they had to use to eat their food!

Then some fun games were played!

Christmas vacation has begun!!!!

Wednesday night we attended a beautiful Christmas service at church!!!  Harps, guitars, keyboards, chimes ... just beautiful Christmas music!!!!

Mike treated his employees to breakfast sandwiches and drinks from New Holland Coffee!  The kids and I joined that treat!!!!

Christmas Eve was spent right here at home!!!  We had some shrimp, oyster soup, biscuits and veggies before opening up the stocking gifts.  Hadassah and Jeremiah were with his family for the evening and we missed them!  Then we watched a YouTube video on how it may have been for the birth of Jesus.  So good!  And of course, Austin requested watching The Star movie together!  This is a favorite of ours!

Christmas Day!!!!

Hadassah and Jeremiah joined us for this special day!!!  Mike delivered a gift to an employee that he's been praying his heart out for the past few months!  Mike has such a burden for those who struggle in life.  Meanwhile, I was whipping up a brunch for us to enjoy around the kitchen table.

Lena gave Ashlyn a mini waffle maker and she made us some waffles.

Hadassah gifted us all with Kansas City Chiefs shirts!!!!  We love them and Austin wore his three days in a row!!!!

After gifts, we packed up our few things and headed for the weekend at the cabin with my family!!!  

Jesus is the reason for all this celebration!!!!  Merry Christmas!