Friday, May 14, 2021

Turning 40!

 Getting older is not something I'm rushing by no means but I also don't dread it.  There's no way of stopping time or aging so I take the start of face wrinkles, grey hairs and all those not so bad things that come with mid life aging gracefully!

My husband rocked my fortieth birthday surprise out of the park!  A few weeks ago, he gave me an early birthday card with nice words hand written from him!  The card had three pages and on the last page he wrote that I was going to go with my "buddies" to Waco, Texas.  Tickets, reservations and arrangements were all being put in place already!  I was so surprised and loved, loved my entire time in WACO!!!!  It was a girls trip with little sleep and much to see and do but a trip I will never forget!  Thanks Babe!!!!

On the day of my birthday, things were special then too!  The kids blessed me happy birthdays!  Mike arranged for all of us to eat dinner together!  School had track and field day and many people wished me wishes there too!  Thank you everyone for the coffee drinks and gifts!  I'm so blessed!

We celebrate birthdays!  The birthday person in our family choses where they would like to eat.  I choose to go with Mexican food!  The night was fun and the littles were so tired out from track and field events earlier in the day!  I love these people with all my heart!!!!

I think they call turning 40 "over the hill".  If life is a hill, it's been a good journey!  Ups and downs, we all have them!  Childhood was so rich for me!  I grew up with Christian parents that taught me how to love Jesus by example!  I "ran around" with a group of friends that made my teenage years fun with clean fun and tons of laughter, good surroundings and the salvation messages preached at my hometown church brought so much wisdom to me!  I got married right out of high school and didn't regret it a minute!  I birthed four healthy babies and I'm currently planning our oldest daughters wedding.  Time flies but my life has been blessed by God above!  I live in abundance and I know it!  I know that most of the world doesn't have clean water and a fridge full of food and a Christian school to send my children to every day without wearing a mask.  My husband loves his job!  We are all healthy!  I know that this is not a normal for most of the world!  I know it's a blessing only from God!  And I thank HIM for it!

Looking ahead at this summer things will change with Hadassah getting married and moving out.  We have plans to switch up some of the bedrooms.  We are thrilled to add Jeremiah to our every family gatherings and events!  We are not losing a daughter but gaining a son!  I look forward to this!

Cheers to turning 40!!!!  May the world see that it is because of Jesus that I am here on earth right now for a good reason!