Monday, March 21, 2022


 We made it through Winter and entered lovely Spring!!!!  I absolutely love Spring time ... seeing all the new sprouts, tulips pushing through the ground and planting the garden!!!!

We had the WARRIORS basketball banquet Thursday night and now we enter the Junior League!!!!  😂. This is a much shorter season and Ashlyn was nervous and excited!!!!  I just love to see how families come out and cheer for their kids!  The gym was packed and older and younger siblings were there to watch and cheer.

The first game was against Veritas and Linville did really well and scored a lot more!!!!  We are feeling it this year aren't we???!!!!!

It's now Spring and we celebrated at Ritas!!!!

And we had beautiful weather last week!  It's so hard to believe that when Mike left for Arizona, we ended up having six inches of snow blow through our town and give us one last winter day.  Then the weather went from snow to 70 degrees!  The gardens dried out nice and we got seeds and some plants in the ground!!!!  Ashlyn helped me plant carrots, sugar peas, onions and red beets!

And it's time to start swinging bats for these two now that basketball is over for this season!  

With Mike being out of town all last week, and having a lot planned each day, the weather was too nice to get some projects done around here!  Matthew helped me trim the roses and some shrubs!  I did a lot of raking and blowing!  The flower beds all got cleaned up and I even hopped on the mower on Saturday!  I put it down one notch and even though it didn't cut much grass, it's amazing how it cleans up the winter look in the lawn and it put fresh marks in the grass!  All the tiny sticks, pieces of corn husks from the fields and just yuk from the past few months that lay on the grass, all got mowed over and it now just needs to turn green and grow!

We were SO VERY HAPPY to have Mike back home safe and sound Saturday night!!!!  He had a great time golfing and came home with a fresh new tan!  I missed him SO MUCH!!!  We love you BABE!!!!