Tuesday, March 1, 2022

March 1!!!!

There are many reasons to celebrate on this day!  One ... is that we flipped another calendar page and it's now March 1!!!!  Any day closer to spring and out of winter is good news for me!  This is a tricky month because we start having some warmer Spring like weather but winter still tries to hold on and sends us wintery tempts!  Two ... the word SPRING is on this months calendar and I love Spring time!  Three ... it's time to start dreaming about the gardens outside and buy seeds to plant and watch the grass turn back to green and see buds and blooms popping through the ground and on the trees!!!  It's exciting!  And ... we have celebrations to celebrate!  Ashlyn loves to plan and is already making a list of girls she wants to have over for her birthday celebration!  Matthew will have a basketball banquet to celebrate the Warriors wonderful accomplishments that they are still deep into!!!  A big game is coming up this week and we CANNOT wait to go watch, cheer, feel all the nerves and hope for a another big win!!!!  Ashlyn is beginning her short basketball season today and is excited for an after school practice and some games coming up this month!  

Sometimes I just want to stop and freeze the time!  The kids are all busy at school!  We came back from vacation with school work all finished up!  Austin is busy learning new words every week and his list of six or so spelling words gets written out on our white board every week!  He was ready to go back to school and see his friends after our vacation!  Ashlyn is learning a lot too and was on a search for a study guide last night so she could take a test today.  I do need to stay after her about homework and tests but she's persistent and studies!  She just finished up another monthly book report and I'm proud of how she really has taken these projects in her own hands and gets it done well!  Matthew is hot and heavy in all things basketball right now but he's finishing up this third quarter of eleventh grade and is doing his intern at JR's Auto!  He is else at school, at basketball practice or a game!  He's excited to lead the high school team into their Districts game this week!!!  We are so proud of how he leads!  He wasn't happy about missing out on our Florida vacation (none of us were) but when we came home he was happy to see us and really has a good attitude about life!  I love this in him!!!!

Jeremiah and Hadassah were great to have live in with us while on vacation and now they are back to their jobs!  We love seeing them in love!

Because it's the first of March, I took my seed list and went to Royers Seeds to buy many packs of precious vegetable and flower seeds!  I texted Mike and said it's time to get the mower and garden tools sharpened and ready for use!  It won't be long before we start pushing dirt and planting seeds!  I can't wait!!!!

And it's another month to keep reading through the Bible!!!

I'm a pen and paper gal and I love to write out my thoughts, dreams, blog and journal!  I made my 2022 Gardening Dreams list and took it to Royers today and bought seeds!  Last week, I grabbed a few packs of seeds at Ken's when I stopped in to smell the potting soil and see spring flowers in bloom!!!  I love greenhouses!!!!

Here's the pile of seeds I bought today!  Some are flowers, some are vegetables.  I do wish to keep adding to our garden space and maybe even add some fruit trees to the area!?!  I'm gonna need hubby's help with that one!  I'm excited to plant all the early spring seeds like lettuce, spinach, kale and radishes!  Then when it warms up to no more frost we will burry the cucumber seeds and add many more vegetables like tomatoes, peppers and green beans in the ground and watch them grow!  

Today, I got to help first grade do another paint project and it was a messy one!  The kids did great and made some nice textured art that they will use to make books in a few weeks!  Austin and Colson were both in my group! 

Today is also faschnaut day and so we celebrated with some yummy powered and glazed donuts for dessert!

Happy March friends!