Thursday, November 9, 2023

Cabin time in November.

 We spent the first weekend of November at the cabin!  My parents and John Mike's were there too.  The boys played in the woods a lot and with Shakia along, her and Ashlyn helped them start another teepee!  The woods have been such a fun playground for all the children for many years!  I love to watch them!

When Mike is at the cabin, most times he is on Dad's tractor.  He doesn't hunt anymore and so he goes over to our ground and cuts down trees.  We bought some land a little while ago and Mike is having fun making a driveway, a track around the field for the boys and their toys and just tinkering on the land.  There is no cabin on the land ... maybe in the far future that will take place???

My dad and brother went hunting.  

Austin took his bee bee gun out to the woods.  Colson follows and they look for squirrels.

I made some party mix for a snack.

Time spent at the cabin is always so fun!  We eat well, read books, leaf through magazines, do laundry and this time we almost finished two puzzles.  The second puzzle is waiting for us for our next visit!