Thursday, November 30, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving!

 Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours!  

We started out this wonderful Thanksgiving Day by gathering around the dining room table eating a lite breakfast and having what we call our "annual family meeting".  Mike and I started this when the kids were little and it's a reflection of our year and some goals we'd like to do in 2024.  We all say a list of things that we are thankful for and it's been another year of plenty and God has been so good to us!!!!  We rejoice!  We celebrate His goodness!

Then the Lapp Family gathered at Matt and Lena's new home for a thanksgiving feast!  The food is always so well prepared and the cousins have the best time!

Dessert always includes pumpkin pie, chocolate cake and cookies!

I smiled when I saw the boys doing this together.  How creative to line up some animals and shot them with their nerf guns!

And here's my crew!!!!  I love these people so much and what a gift they have been to Mike and I!

Austin gave us a Thanksgiving card he made at school and I love it!

Thanking God for all our blessings and abundance is something I want to do every single day!  I love this Thanksgiving Season and spending with the people I love the most is perfect!

Thank you Jesus!