Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Spring gardening.

 The garden beds are full with tiny plants and I can't wait to watch it all grow!

I planted lettuce in the front bed.  Cabbage in the back beds.

Haul Peas.

Apple tree blossoms!  Tulips!

Tons of radishes!  The strawberry box is looking good!

White lilacs is it this week!

Ashlyn loved to garden when she was smaller.  She still enjoys it but it's not pulling her like it used to.  I love to watch her in the space!

They survived!!!!!  I have now kept these banana leaf plants for two years.  After the summer last year, Mike carried the big pots upstairs and that's where they lived till now.  They are back on the front porch!  I look a bit thirsty but are gonna be fine with some fresh potting soil and lots of water!

Decided to go with white angel wing begonias this year instead of read.

And here are some pot fillers that I love!

April is the month to fill the garden, fill the flower pots, fill the garden beds with fresh mulch and then May is watching it all grow!!!!!  I'm excited!