Friday, May 10, 2024

Sunshine and rain brings the most beautiful May days!

 Muffins with Mom was a nice event at school focused on the kids and their moms!  There were lots of different muffins served with fruit and juice!  I can hardly believe that we have only one elementary student.  Time goes fast!  I love you Austin!!!!


What's better than sitting outside eating muffins with cousins!?!  And this homemade card is adorable!

Austin plays outfield for the Flames.  He was asked to help an older team play one game because they were missing players because of a school program and field trip.  Austin was excited and of course said yes but he was so nervous!  This was his first time playing in the upper field, under ballgame lights and a score board!  He was nervous he wouldn't do well enough but I reminded him that if him and Adrian didn't help them out, they couldn't play.  They needed them to play and they did good!  They struggled the beginning of the game with being down by ten runs.  They got it together and came back and beat the team by eight!  It was so fun watching them get all fired up at the grand slam and all the good hits!  Austin was so nervous that he asked the coach if he could play back catcher instead of right field.  It's just a delight to watch these boys cheer each other on and play together and do well!  Love it!

Mike was invited to an event that had food trucks and games and prizes.  We went for the burger and fries and tried the Mac and cheese fries too.  We ended with Penny's ice cream.  Weekend foods are fun!

I planted lots of shade and ferns this year in my pots on the back porch!  I can't wait to see them grow!

Another night at the ballpark is good for the soul!  We are having such nice weather for the ballgames!

We've been having sunshine and rain showers and it's making the garden pop!  I was so surprised when I walked out to the garden after a wet weekend and found all these radishes ready to eat!  These are the best ever with lots of zip!  I planted two different kinds.  Champion and French Breakfast.  Both of delicious!  Spring is here friends and the garden foods have begun!

May is such a beautiful time of the year.  Flowers are blooming.  Lawns are lush green.  Gardens and fields are planted with seeds!  The flower pots are filled with colorful flowers!  Herbs are eatable and delicious!  I love this time of year so much!