Wednesday, May 8, 2024

April is so beautiful!

 We've had such beautiful weather in April.  Of course, we had the usual rain showers but we also had some warmer days with very blue skies and that has be swinging by every greenhouse I pass when out doing errands and digging in the garden soil!!!  I planted some tulip bulbs in two of my raised beds and they are showing off!  I pulled out our tiny tiller from the barn and worked up some fresh dirt in the garden area and planted sunflowers seeds from last and a few new seed packs!

I saved the sunflower heads from the garden last fall and just loosened the dried seeds into the dirt and hope they grow! 

The  trees in the front lawn are full of pink blooms and it feels like cotton candy out there!

Whatever is blooming and clippable, I'm there for it! 🤣

Meadow Tea is actually called Apple Mint in the greenhouses and I've been raised with clipping this kind of tea for my mom and then she would always make three gallons at a time!  We love it at our house too!  Boil water and then let the tea leaves soak in that for 10 minutes.  Add sugar and water to make a gallon! 

Lena and I were in charge of Grandparents Day at school for elementary this year and we fed over 500 people with Gold Rush Breakfast Cassaroles and donuts and fresh fruit and juices!  A lady from school arranged some flowers for us and I got to bring more flowers home!  

The tulips at the park are stunning as we round the path each morning on my walk!

The past few summers I have read aloud to Ashlyn and Austin!  I want to keep doing this and if I really think about the book 18 Summers it talks about realizing that we really only have 18 summers with our kids before they get graduate, get jobs, get married and move out of the house.  That reminds me to be intentional with every single summer I have with the little kids in our house!  So, I'm thinking of our summer reads coming up!  

Another visit with Mommy D. was great!  The past weeks she's been extra tired and you really don't know how you will find her when you visit so I was happy to see her awake, alert and talkative!!!!

More April blooms!!!!

Linda and I meet at the park for daily walks and it's been the best accountability way to exercise for me!

We had a mulching night at my parents!  Dad is doing really good since his open heart surgery three months ago!  The doctors told him that at this point, he should be feeling like he's in his 40s.  He is still limited on what he can lift so we helped out with the mulching on their farm.  It didn't take us long at all with most of the grandkids showing up to help too!

Mom had food made for us after we worked!

Dad was running the tiny skid loader!

Meanwhile, the older big kids entertained the little kids with wiffle ball in the back yard!

And now back home ... we have our own huge piles of mulch to work on!

April is a full month of gardening, mulching, working outside and enjoying the weather!