Saturday, July 16, 2011

Another Weekend ...

We are enjoying our summer days so much!  We are busy.  We are treasuring the summery things that surround us!!!

I said to Mike the other day that I feel like each day is seriously just flying by!  I usually like to write our daily activities, cute sayings, etc. in my journal, but I am so unbehind in that!  It's never as much fun trying to write things that have happened like two weeks ago.  Much better writing down feelings and thoughts when they are 'fresh'. 

I also started reading the book "Heaven is so Real".  I am not finished with it yet and yearn to read it!  When I sit down and feed Ashlyn that seems to be a quick time to read yet another page!  If you haven't yet read this inspiring book, you really should!!! 

Keeping up with my laundry is a must for me.  I love the smell of laundry detergent and clean wash, and I only like this job when I can see the project as a quick thing and not a huge chore! 

The weeds keep growing even when the grass looks thirsty for another rain shower.  But with all the work comes all the summer fun too!!!  We have been enjoying the sunshine at the pool when we can.  We are also starting to pick fresh tomatoes off of our plants!  Red and juicy!

Here are some summer surroundings at our house!  Have a great weekend!  I can't believe it's already mid July!

... 15 WEEKS OLD ...
Ashlyn is now 15 weeks old.  She's growing and is truly a blessing from God!
She is so much fun at this stage in her little life and we love it when she laughs out loud for us!
Matthew loves to sing to her, "Red Robin .... yum!" 
He closes his eyes, lifts his chin a little, and perks out his lips when he says "yum". 
It looks so funny and Ashlyn laughs!

Here are the 'girls' in the house ...
Hadassah took the baby and the camera for a little photo shot (in the living room) the other day. 
This is one that she took and had Ashlyn in her Bumbo surrounded with toys. 
Ashlyn loves all the attention!!!

Happy Saturday to you all!!!