Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Cold in the summer???

Ashlyn has caught her first cold ....

She's been sneezing so much and has a runny nose.  I have tried to be really careful to not bring her in the AC when she is all sweaty.  I usually take her right back in her room and change her sweaty clothes.  Yesterday, even though she was sneezing a lot, she was still happy!  I was thankful for that and when she took a long nap, I napped too!  The older kids played so nice indoors!

Then last night, I tucked Ashlyn in her crib and then kissed, prayed, and said good night to Hadassah and Matthew.  Well, I have concluded a while back that a pet peeve of mine is "interrupted sleep"!!!  I do not like when my sleep gets disturbed.  Last night, I was up so many times with the baby.  She was miserable.  Her cold was making her feel gross.  Even when I held her close, she cried.  I finally went for her bottle and that seemed to content her (at least for a few short hours).  When Mike got up for work his comment was, "Boy, you had a rough night."  Ashlyn usually wakes up in the morning with a great big smile, but not this morning.  It wasn't until I gave her a bath (which she really loves) that she shared a big smile with me!  She is now sleeping peacefully and I hope she will be feeling better the rest of the day!!! 

Being up throughout the night, made me remember what I read as a devotional yesterday.  My thoughts come from a devotional book I read now and then that is to be inspirational meditations for new mothers.  When I read yesterday, it talked about getting up during the night with your baby and making it a prayer time too.  A great idea but honestly I felt like I've been past those restless nights and midnight baby feedings.  But as I was up last night, I did do some praying.  I prayed for Ashlyn, those hurting around us and whoever else came to mind.  The revised scripture that was a focus verse for yesterday came from Isaiah 40:11. 
"The Lord ... shall gently lead those that are with young." 

Then there was a poem on the next page that the last few lines read this ...

"but the God Who guarded Israel still eternal vigial keeps.  Maker of my little baby,
Eye o'er Earth that never sleeps.  He looks down with loving eye, He can hear my lullaby. 
And we share this midnight moment - Little Baby, God, and I."  ~ Sharilyn Martin

It's been so hot and dry here!  The only enjoyable way to beat the heat is to either stay indoors in the air condition or at the pool!  Going swimming is not really an option for us right now though.  (Actually, we are enjoying some time at Annie's pool.  I usually have Ashlyn taking her afternoon nap inside the house and then we swim!)  Taking Ashlyn out in the heat and sun would be ridiculous. 

Well, have a great day everyone and pray that my baby will be well very soon!!!

Just as the flowers grow each day from the source of their Maker,
I want to find my strength in my Creator today too!!!