Monday, July 8, 2013

Splashin' Good Fun!!!

It's Summer!!!  That means it's time to get wet!  Really, really wet!  Soaked!!!
We had a very hot weekend.  In the 90's!  We tried to beat the heat with water! 
Our weekend was not just spent in water but we also sat around the campfire ... not for warmth, but because we love campfires.  Roasting hot dogs and marsh mellows! 
On Friday, the kids and I got invited to Marlene's pool!  No turning that down!!!  :)  The kids had such a blast!  They get along so well.  (Except for both of our toddlers seem to always find something the same that they both want.  Toddlers ... :).  )  Thanks Marlene for the wetness and fun!  That evening, Mike's parents and brothers came over.  We lite the campfire.  When Dad's got here, Dad went right inside and enjoyed the AC.  Mom didn't think he would like to sit out in the warm if he had an option for AC.  The rest of us sat and enjoyed some cold ice water with lemon and lime wedges in them.  That seems to be our latest!  We love it and it's very refreshing!  It didn't take Dad long before he joined us too!  The evening was so relaxing!
Saturday morning the kids and I went to Sharp Shopper for some summer snacks.  When they swim, they get so hungry.  Snacks don't seem to last real long around here.  I remember it being that way when I was a kid too!!!  We chose some healthy treats and some not so healthy!  Sorry, I made Hadassah put those prepackaged box brownies back on the shelf.  Oh, how my brother LaVern used to love those things!  :) 
After the groceries were on the shelves in our home, Mike came home and we all hopped in the van to watch a very hot little league game.  We drove 45 minutes to go watch Jeffrey play ball.  It was so hot and we were all soaked in sweat by the time the over time inning was finished!  Jeff played good and his team won!  We left all so warm and on the look out for something cold!  Something refreshing!  Rita's?  Frozen yogurt?  We found "Kiwi" and enjoyed the yummy frozen yogurt topped with lots of fun toppings!  It was great!!!  We thought about going to the pool yet, but when Mike hit the AC at home, it made him sleepy and tired.  He took a really long nap while I planted 11 hosta's out back under our pines.  The children splashed each other with the garden hose!  Ashlyn played baby inside our cool house.  We got the campfire lite up again and really had such a relaxing time under the stars watching the fire, listening to "You Tube" music clips, and sipping fruit smoothies the kids made.  Mike and I snuggled on the lounge chair and gazed up at the dark sky filled with tiny stars.  It was so pretty.  Amazing really!  Our God is so wonderful and His creations are beautiful!

These two have a blast together most of the time and can really act crazy at times!!!

And sweet at other times!

We bought this soap at Sharp Shopper too.  I think it gave bath time a complete new experience for Matthew!  You see, normally, he doesn't like to shower/bath.  But every time he takes a good soaker, he's in the tub for a really long time.  He loves it.  I think it's just the first steps and then he's all into getting wet and clean.  This soap made him so excited about a shower.  He couldn't wait to use it!  :)

Our yogurt was so good! Ashlyn topped hers with gummy bears.  Her favorite.  Hadassah had cookie dough in hers.  Matthew went with the sprinkles!

She's saying "cheese".

Then yesterday we went to church and heard a message on Unbelief.  Here are some thoughts that were shared ...  Unbelief is not believing God is able.  Worrying.  The opposite of unbelief is having Faith.  The best way to know Jesus is to know him one on one!  Spending time in prayer!  It should be as normal to breathe as a Christian is to prayer!  It is the vital breathe of a Christian!  For with God all things are possible.  Seek the Lord while He is found.  Praise and thank God for answered prayer! 

I appreciated all the thoughts and the encouragement to "pray without ceasing"!

It was nachos for lunch and then nap time.  Then last night we took a short drive over to Matt & Marlene's!  Thanks guys for sharing your pool with us again!  The food, water, fellowship and settlers game was all such fun!

Hadassah joined us a little later in the evening.  She spent the afternoon with Barb.  They were swimming and playing at her house!  We just can't get enough of pool days!!!

Thank you Summer for being so much fun!!!!!