Friday, February 7, 2014

More sledding!!!

We have this little hill out by the front lawn.  It's been the perfect little spot for the kids to sled down.  The other day when Lena and Hunter stopped in to take a few sled rides, Lena said that she needs to bring over her little saucer.  So, yesterday afternoon when the kids got home from school, Lena and Hunter came over again.  I am tickled that Hunter was happier at our house than his!!!  Lena said that he was being grouchy (getting teeth is no fun for babies!!!) and thought he would like a sled ride.  He did!  He loved it!  Actually, everyone loved it!
The weather was 28 degrees but with the sun shining it didn't feel bad at all!!!  We are starting to think that the upper 20's is on the warmer side!!!  :)  I can't wait to actually feel 70 - 80 degree weather! 
Having fun in the snow/ice is exciting!!!  Take another look at the sledding fun!
Here Lena & Hunter are taking a ride and then Hadassah giving Hunter a turn with her!

Cutie pie!!!

Hadassah and Ashlyn taking a spin.  Then Matthew and Hunter.

This is so typical!!!  The two oldest being crazy fun and Ginger right beside them.

Sisters ...

Going down on their belly's.

It was my turn.  I think one big reason that I am not a winter gal is because I don't have the proper winter attire!  I own a pair of boots that Hadassah and I share.  I own a thick jacket that I needed to wash again because Hadassah was wearing it and it got dirty.  :)  I own only a pair of long socks and leggings but no snow suit (or what Ashlyn calls a swimsuit!!!  :) ).  So, my outdoor play is limited.  I choose to have it this way.  But, yesterday, I decided to take a turn after everyone was telling me to go.  Ashlyn and I went for a ride.  No gloves, no hat ... but a cold ride.  It only lasted for a few seconds, so it was perfect!!!  Here we go!!!  I ended up on my back.

We made it!

 Ginger and Hadassah went for a ride together.

 Having a blast!  They tried to see who could get to the road.  We made sure there were no cars coming and stopped before it got dangerous. 
You always need a favorite winter portrait for the family album!  This might be it!!!  Totally loving the ride and Ginger running right behind them!!!  See, winter can be fun!!!  :)

We got to enjoy some Florida strawberry pie and peanut butter pie last night with Mike's family.  Can't wait to feel that Florida sunshine ourselves!!!

More snow might be on it's way for the weekend!?!  Stay cozy!!!