Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Dienner Family Christmas ~

On Sunday, we got to enjoy some Dienner family time together.  Mom's family used to gather together for almost all the big holidays.  Mommy & Daudy Dienner would have ham and hide tons and tons of Easter eggs for all the kids to find.  She would have a chocolate or gift for us all.  Then at Thanksgiving, we would get together again and eat, give thanks and play games.  Again, for Christmas, we would all go to Daudy D's and have Mommy's yummy oyster soup, chicken noodle soup and ham sandwiches.  They would give every-single-person a gift!  I can't imagine shopping for all these people.  With a family of six children and then bringing all their children ... it was a lot.  Mommy's whole counter was stacked with presents.  It was so much fun and we ALL looked so forward to the entire day.  Again, the game cards would come out and the chip dip and chips were eatin.  There was so many snacks and drinks!  It's a little different by now.  Years have passed and times change.  We now only gather for Christmas.  I would never want to miss this!  Each of the children take turns organizing the event.  We can no more go to Daudy's home.  We totally out grew that place!  It's not just children and grandchildren but it's now great-grandchildren too! 

The grandchildren and greats were invited for the afternoon/evening.  We seemed to all arrive at the same time.  No more silence for the older folks!  :)  We brought the little people along and the girls played duck, duck, goose while the older kids played outside.  We seemed to all bring along a snack and that made for a huge display of cookies, clementines, chip and dip, etc.!!!

Daudy and Mommy were both able to be there again!!!  I'm sure it was so much action for Daudy to watch as he sat in the coach by the fire place.  Mommy D. was busy giving out a gift to EVERYONE again.  This time she did $$, gift cards and the little people got pillows that she made!  Everyone got a roll of balonie too!  It's so special to have them as grandparents!

The guys sat in a circle and played Acquire.  Some of the ladies played 7 up, 7 down.  Some played hoss.  Other's just sat and chatted.  Some of these cousins we only see once a year so it's fun to catch up and see their children!

Thanks Daudy and Mommy D. for raising up a God fearing generation!  The Dienner will always be special to us!

I did terrible at taking pictures this year!  Oops.  Here are a few I captured though.


Ashlyn has slept with this pillow ever since she got it!!!  Thanks Mommy D.!!!