Wednesday, December 24, 2014

It's Christmas Eve Day!

Does that even make sense?  Christmas Eve Day???  It does here at our home!  Mike and Matthew are out for breakfast and working till a little after lunch.  Hadassah is at market for Lena and coming home this afternoon.  That leaves just Ashlyn and I here at home to do the laundry, make huge pots of mashed potatoes and prepare for our foods tonight!

The kids are looking forwards to tonight so much!  We will read the story of baby Jesus.  We will give our presents from under the Christmas tree.  We will eat seafood, stuffed mushrooms and pretzel wraps.  We will laugh.  We will sit together snuggled in blankets and watch a movie that Mike picked out!  I can't wait!!!

Christmas is finally here.  A fresh coating of snow would make it magical but it's only rain outside!

I have Pandora playing and its bringing in some songs that we used to sing and listen to as kids.  Here's one that was fun!

And because Christmas is almost here, here's a few pictures we took this summer as a family!

Happy Christmas Eve!