Monday, October 12, 2015

Enjoying autumn but missing home!

Autumn has arrived with it's beauty starting to show!!!  The leaves on the trees are just starting to change colors and look so pretty!  I've been enjoying hot apple cider!!!  Last night we sat around a campfire with church friends because Uncle John made chili right on the fire in a dutch oven pan.  The weather is getting cooler and we used some heat in the basement already during the chilly nights.  FALL is a fun season!

I mentioned about the chili supper last night.  John and Kathy invited some families over from church to eat their yummy chili.  Made right on the campfire.  We sat around the fire and watched them stir, fry hamburger, add tomatoes and beans and seasonings.  Kathy dumped in the onions while John just kept on stirring.  :)  The ladies all brought some delicious foods to add to the menu.  After we ate the kids all went up to their barn and played some football and basketball.  They had a blast.  The adults sat around the campfire and chatted and then later we moved in closer toward the fire so we would stay warm!  The night was relaxing and thanks John and Kathy for the fun night!  The kids were tired and Ashlyn was carried right to her bed.  Hadassah was tired from the volleyball games that afternoon at Courtney's house.  Matthew loved the football and basketball games!  Austin was ready to be tucked in and sleep.

Saturday night Hadassah and I enjoyed a fun outing together!  She loves to spend one on one time together and so she asked if we could have some time out.  Just her and I.  We left soon after Mike got home from working at the house and went to Park City.  We grabbed a bite to eat and then did some shopping.  We ended with some frozen yogurt and toppings!  The night was fun together!  We came back home to a house full of children and people.  Some of Mike's family were at dads and the kids were having a blast and the adults were chatting and playing games.  We joined in on the fun and it was nice to simply come down the stairs and go to bed.  :)

Austin is 3 1/2 months old and growing.  He loves to be fussed to and he smiles so much.  Especially when he wakes up from his naps or after being fed.  He sucks on his fingers all the time.  He's still struggling to get his FULL night of sleep.  I'm not sure why it's so hard for this little guy to sack it out during the night ever since Labor Day Weekend?.  He wakes up around 2 AM for a nuk and then 5 for a bottle.  I wish he would sleep straight till 5!  This too shall pass.  I know that.  Maybe tonight he will sleep ALL night long!?!  :)

The house project is more and more on his way to getting completed.  The plumbers are there.  The electrician is nearly finished for now.  The roofers were there today to finish up.  Brick upon brick are being mortared around the house.  Insulation and dry wall are showing up this week.  Mike and I went to finish up the flooring order the other day.  That was a good feeling to have that done.  Picking out paint colors is next on the list.  And talk about lists, I made a list the other day of things we will need for the house when time gets closer to moving in.  I hope there will be great deals on Black Friday and any other shopping spree's we will be doing.  :)  We are still hoping to be settled in and moved by Christmas!!!  And I really hope that can happen because I am getting home sick for 'home'.  It's all going fine in the basement, don't get me wrong, but I was never on such a journey like this before in my life.  I like my routines and normals.  We have adjusted well to living here in the basement but some days I just miss home.  I miss going outside in my little garden.  I miss mowing the green grass.  I miss sending the kids out to the swing.  Or see them ride their bikes.  Being outside is something I did when I worked outside and now that isn't happening.  I went over to the house the other day to 'work outside'.  What a joke!  I really wanted to because I miss being at home.  I got the blower out of the barn after having Austin and Ashlyn in the gazebo.  I blew a few leaves but then realized how crazy I was.  I hoped to mow the little bit of grass we have left but again ... I couldn't.  There are trucks in the yard.  Nails and shingles and boards and stacks of brick and a big pile of sand and on and on in the grass.  Please don't get me wrong, I am not complaining because we couldn't wait for all this happen!!!  I am just missing being at home and working there.  I put the blower back in the barn and loaded up the two little kids and came back to the basement.  Then on Saturday, Mike was working over at the house all day and I wanted to do something there too.  The kids and I went over and I thought that maybe Hadassah and I could try to organize the basement a little.  Again, what a joke.  Everything is so dirty but to clean it now and try to put things in any form of organization ... well, it would be pointless.  I know my time is coming when I can clean and organize at the house!!!  I will be doing it the rest of my life.  :)  So, we press on.  We keep working to get the house completed.  We keep living in the basement.  We stay positive even when I get home sick.  It should be only a few more months until we can move back home!!!  Yeah!!!

Autumn is right now.  I am going to keep enjoying the foods and smells that this season brings.  Pumpkin pie and apple cider are my favorite!!!

I love autumn!