Tuesday, January 12, 2016

2016 ...

So I got a new calendar because we need it!!!  I need it!!!  It records all our appointments.  All our gatherings.  Birthdays.  Events.  Vacations.  Milestones.  I really would be lost without this little book on my counter! 

Looking ahead just a bit at 2016 is exciting.  With it starting with a "winter season", it gives me some extra time to keep going through more boxes and getting things out of storage.  I need to decide if it's something we want to keep, sell, give away or put back into storage.  I am determined to not just "put" things in our new home but to get rid of the things that we really don't need or use.  I said to Mike the other day that I'm glad we moved in winter because thinking of any outside work on top of my duties right now, could feel overwhelming!  Hopefully, by Spring time I will be more organized and settled in and can focus on some fun outside work!!!  :)  Winter also seems to be more laid back and not so busy.  So I thought ... until we got Hadassah's sport events paper!  :)  She thrives on some fitness and sports.  She loves volleyball and basketball.  They are her two favorite sports and even though volleyball can be more of an 'all year around' sport, it's during January and February that she plays on a league team.  She also loves basketball and that is a winter sport for her.  She is point guard for the school team and has such a blast playing and dribbling and passing the ball!  The team at Linville Hill plays a variety of other schools and when we got that list of games, it filled in quite a few dates on my new calendar.  Mike was at her first season game and he loved it!!!  His comment was to go to all her games!  He got so into it!!!  :)  So, we are all going to her next game and will be cheering her on!  As far as volleyball games, so far it's been practices.  We will get that list this week.  Having all these games will keep us all stepping but what a precious stage in her life!  Being with great friends and playing hard and sweating it out is so good for any teenager!

We tend to have a family tradition with going to Florida for a family vacation during the winter sometime.  We decided to not go this year but to pay the extra bills and enjoy 'home'!  :)  Mike and I do have a 15th anniversary coming up and we would like to take a few days away from home to celebrate!  Not sure when yet???  Also, Hadassah's class is doing a mission trip the end of February for a few days.  The opportunity to go along to that is there.  Again, not sure if Mike or I will attend and go along.?.  There seems to always be places to go and things to do, right?

  In 2016, we will be stretched.  Chastised.  We will all grow.  Hopefully, physically and spiritually.  I am taking a bible study at Spring Garden Church right now.  It's called "The Armor of God".  It's been deep and a great study on how us Christians can and need to fight back the enemy's attacks.  It's the perfect start for this year to make some new goals in my life spiritually! 

Of course, the start of a new year always makes me want to do more exercising.  Eat healthier.  Set more disciplining goals.  Mike is really good for me at this.  He is often the one saying, "Come on, lets go out for a run."  So far it happened once.  But once is better than none!!!  I hope to start up with more exercising as soon as my baby allows me some free time.  :)


Enjoy the beginning stages of 2016.  Look up to Jesus for strength! 

We are excited to maybe see some snow flurries this afternoon!  Ashlyn has been patiently waiting for snow!  :)  I told her way back in August when we moved into the basement that when we move back home, it will be winter and then snow.  Now that we are moved back home, she thinks it should be snowing.  :)