Saturday, January 16, 2016

Winter competition!

Let the games begin!
Hadassah's basketball games and volleyball games started this week!  We went to both.  :)  On Tuesday, her first seasonal basketball game was at Bethany Christian School.  I picked up Matthew at school and Mike met us in Gap.  From there we went together to the game.  We cheered as Hadassah played.  She did great!!!  She scored a lot of baskets.  They won the game!!!
On the way home, we stopped for supper.  Courtney was with us.  While we were eating, it started to snow.  We were all ready to be home and tired.  We picked up Ashlyn (she spent the afternoon with Hunter.)
 Playing "point guard".

 Good shot!

Good playing girls!
This is where we sit Austin sometimes.  He can just about sit alone but now and then falls over to the side or straight back.  This works great!!!  It's his own little cube filled with just his toys.

On Tuesday night we had our first snow fall.  It was just a little bit but this girl was excited!!!  She couldn't wait to go out the next morning and eat some fresh snow!!!
 Bring on more snow!!!

Then it went to volleyball!  It was a busy day on Thursday!  The kids went to school.  Then Hadassah had after school basketball practice.  During the practice, one of the girls tripped over Hadassah's foot and fell on the gym floor.  She fell chest down and was having a hard time breathing.  They called the ambulance and after doing a few x-rays done, Zion was good to go.  The only thing was that she now has a sprained wrist.  We were praying and hoping that she would be fine!!!  So, after all that drama, Hadassah went home with Courtney.  That saved us a trip to school and then we met her back at school for volleyball.  They played good this time too!!!

 They played really good teams!  They won one game!

So, we are still in the unpacking and going through stage here at home.  This huge dumpster is still setting in our front yard.  Yesterday afternoon I saw this going on.  Matthew and Ashlyn were out in the dumpster having a blast. 

We took three more huge bags out today.  We are going through all the crafts, all things in storage, all the extras downstairs.  It's amazing how much junk you collect!  :(  Mom and Jody were here again on Wednesday and we major house cleaned the basement!!!  The canning cellar got cleaned from head to toe.  All my jars needed wiped and cleaned!  The toy room looks great and cleaned up!  The main area got wiped down and swept and organized.  A few boxes from the storage room got emptied.  It will take me awhile yet before this project is over.  Thanks mom and Jody!!!
Have a great weekend!!!