Friday, December 22, 2017

Germs ...

You know the saying, "Wash your hands because Jesus and germs are everywhere!"  Well, that's been true in our household the past weeks.  Mike came down with a nasty cold a few weeks ago that lasted a few days.  From then on, we've all been taking our turns with having the tissue box close by.  On Tuesday, Hadassah wasn't feeling good but did go to school.  But at lunch time, she called and asked me to pick her up because she was feeling awful.  She got home and slept and blew her nose.  Then I picked up Ashlyn at school and when she got in the Yukon, she looked terrible!  She also came home from school and went straight to the couch and slept till supper.  She had a slight fever and bad cold.  She took a hot bath, some fever meds, some vitamins and water.  I had the diffuser going through the night right beside her but on Wednesday morning she woke up still having a little belly ache and cold.  Hadassah went to school but Ashlyn was now home.  Thankfully, everyone was back in school again yesterday and they are excited to have Christmas events at school today!!!  No body wants to be sick over Christmas .... so I hope the germs are now gone and out of here!!!

Christmas Day is in three days but we've been thinking "Christmas" ever since December 1!!!  The Christmas music is still being played over and over again in our home.  YouTube has so many nice instrumentals and song lists!  The cookies are all baked.  The gifts are all wrapped up and under the tree!!!  It took me till yesterday though to get the last gifts and wrapped up!  Candles is something I like to burn over the holidays and year around and so the house has been smelling extra good with holiday scents!  I sent Hadassah out the door this morning with a huge platter of fruit, cookies and teacher gifts!!!  She was in charge of some foods for their Christmas party today at school!  I have plans to go over to school here soon and give out more teacher gifts and cards and wish everyone a big "Merry Christmas!!!"  The children are excited about Christmas, Christmas vacation and family gatherings!!!

There are a few things on our "to do list" yet though.  It's only a few things that if we get them done ... fun, but if not, no big deal. We keep saying that we need to go for a drive some evening and look at Christmas lights.  I know there are a few fun drive through we can go to or maybe we will just drive around the neighborhood!?!  I think going to watch the new movie in the theaters "The Star" would be something really fun to do too!  Attending a Christmas Eve Service is something we did last year and we really enjoyed it.  So maybe we will go again this year?  But, spending time together as a family is going to be fun, relaxing and enjoyable.  If it might cause drama ... then no thank you!  I've started the Christmas season out with a mind set of "keeping it simple this year".  I'm not sure if I did a good job at that or not but thinking about my Christmas menu list that's still just in my head and not on paper will be probably be proof of that!!!  :)

One thing for sure ... I prayed with the children this morning that we would remember why we celebrate Christmas.  It's because Jesus was born!!!  We need to sing happy birthday to HIM!  Even though we give others gifts, we need to remember that HE is the best gift of all given to mankind!  The reason for all the lights is because JESUS is the LIGHT OF THE WORLD!!!  Reading the Christmas story together as a family is a MUST!!!  It's why we celebrate!  We are so blessed with lots of good eats, lots given to us over the holidays and a warm house to rest in each night but it's all because of God's blessings!  Christmas really is the best season of all!!!

So, Christmas vacation is about to begin ... in just a few hours!  I'm off to go enjoy some Christmas cheer and fun at school!  I love the excitement children add to Christmas!!!  Have a wonderful day and tell someone why YOU celebrate Christmas!!!