Monday, December 4, 2017

New York City for football.

We had a wonderful weekend in New York City!!!  Mike and I went with John and Kathy on Saturday morning to tour the city streets filled with Christmas lights and carols and lights and chimes.  Then Sunday, we went to watch a football game.
We left bright and early Saturday morning.  The drive there never seems far when traveling with friends.  We parked and began exploring the city.  We have never been at this huge city over Christmas and so we wanted to go see the lighted tree, ice skaters and lights!!!  We realized real fast that EVERYONE else wanted to do the same!!!  The crowds were totally nuts!!!  SO, SO many people were out walking around and touring.  So many people in fact that there were a few times that I held on to Mike's pant pocket, looked down and just walked with the crowd.  We were all shoulder to shoulder at moments.  That much crowd was too much!!!  We got away the fastest we could and walked a different street!!!
The city had beautiful ornaments and lights!!!

Here is the huge Christmas tree that was loaded with hundreds of lights!!!  Right in the city!!!

We grabbed a coffee and a bite to eat at a small café that was also PACKED full of people!!!

We toured this gorgeous cathedral!!!  It was unbelievable gorgeous!!!  Inside and out!

By then it was time to go watch the Christmas Spectacular at Radio City!!!  Going to see the Rockettes has been on my bucket list for years and now that I was finally getting it done was exciting!!!  Mike and I really enjoyed the show!!!

Again, look at all the people in line for the show!!!

It was such a big production!

My pictures of the Rockettes didn't turn out well at all but they were really spectacular!!!!  Here they were dressed like reindeer.

At the end of the show they sang carols about the birth of Jesus!!!  This was the best part of the show and really neat!!!  They had real, live camels, sheep and a donkey!

We loved the show and thank you Babe for taking me to this performance!!!  XOXO!

We walked through Central Park.  We got to see ice skaters skate and children run through the park.  It was so cool to see the holiday bursting in the park.

Helicopters kept circling in the air because President Trump was in the city.

So many sky scrapers.

We grabbed lunch at "JUNIORS" and enjoyed the little break from walking.  (We first went to a popular Diner in the city but the line and wait was an hour long!!!  Yes, that's how many people were out and about!!!)  We got refueled with food and coffee and then wrapped up again in our warm mittens and hats and walked the city streets some more.  By 5:30, John and Kathy and Mike and I were so tired and the crowds were so ridiculous that we decided to go back to the vehicle and head towards our motel for the night!!! 

This is where the crowds got really packed!!!  Around the lit up Christmas tree, which was so beautiful!!! 

It felt wonderful to jump into the vehicle and go get checked in at the motel.  I flopped on the bed and took a nap.  The two day getaway was fun and relaxing!  I enjoy these get aways and the break from being a 24 hour mom!  I love, love being a mom, please don't misunderstand me but a break from all the demands now and then is refreshing!!!  Right before I closed my eyes I chuckled and said, "Wow, Little Man would probably be asking my for a drink of chocolate milk and Ashlyn would want a snack.  Instead, I'm going to take a nap!!!"  :)))  How relaxing!!!

When I woke up, Mike was downstairs with John and Kathy sitting at the motels restaurant.  I felt like I missed out a little but the nap felt amazing.  Then something happened for the first time ever!  We went back to our rooms and Mike flopped in bed and fell asleep.  And there I laid awake!!!  Normally, I'm the one who falls asleep right away.  I flipped to the cooking channel on TV and watched the bakers do their foods.  It was SO relaxing.  :)))

Sunday morning we woke up to some clouds in the sky and the weather cold.  A small breakfast sandwich and another hot coffee was perfect before we checked out of the motel and headed off to the Jets VS Chiefs football game.  Every fall, we go to a football game with John and Kathy and normally with John and Suz too.  This year it was just four of us that could go and this was the coldest game we went to yet.  We bundled up and cheered for the Kansas City Chiefs! 

Mike was disgusted at how his favorite team played but the game was still fun.  We were hoping to see the Chiefs win!  We sat there and cheered and then got some hot chocolate to help warm us up.

I look for this after each football game we attend.  After the game, a group of football players kneel and pray!!!  It's so cool to see this!!!

When the game was over, it was time to head back home.  Time to get back to "real life" and pick up the kids!!!  Many, many thanks again to our babysitters for watching the children so well all weekend!!!  I am blessed to have the best mom and sister and friends!!!  And dog sitter!!!  :)))  Thank you ladies for making the weekend a fun time for the kids too!!!

Now, we are back home and the laundry is getting attacked while Mike is off to work and the kids off to school.  It felt amazing to give each of the children a hug and kiss before tucking them in at night!!!  The short time away was fun but these moments together as a family .... nothing will ever top those precious moments!!!

The Christmas music is playing non stop in the house today.  The smell of fresh laundry is lingering and now I am off to finish mod podging some canvas's and get some gifts wrapped and placed under the Christmas tree!!!

Christmas is coming!!!  We are excited!!!!