Friday, June 21, 2019

Bible school week ...

I’m still blogging from my phone, so pictures are still out of order. 

Last weekend we celebrated with our little town with an event called “Heritage Days!” Locals come out for volleyball games, children’s events, a reptile show, jugglers and a lot more! There’s lots of food and we enjoyed our time at the park! The weekend ended with a firework show that we watched at Matt’s!!!

Then on Sunday, Bible School began!!! Hadassah was a teacher and the others attended their grades! Hunter and Adrian got to go along!  The fun songs are always a hit and it was nice to be in our new church building this year! This went every night from Sunday - Thursday. With it being Fathers Day also on Sunday, we grilled meats at my parents for supper, dropped the kids off at bible school and then went back to dads! We missed Tony’s not there but they are grieving the loss of Tony’s mother. She passed away from having a brain tumor. I love my dad very much and love, love the father that Mike is to our children!!! I’m so blessed to have these wonderful men in my life!!!

Construction is going on around the garden beds. I’m so ready to get them looking nice again and get my string beans and pumpkins planted!!!! Projects always need patience but the end results are so great!!! Check out the gorgeous monarch worms on our carrot leaves!!!

Ashlyn began gymnastics this week again! I love to watch her do this! It’s her thing all the way and really does great! Tuesday was a long, fun but tiring day for her because after gymnastics we got groceries, hair cuts and then bible school. It’s all requires lots of driving and time but it’s memories for the kids!!!

Anyone else like sourdough bread!!!! Sari is local and bakes the best loaves of bread! They are tasty, beautiful and a healthier choice!!!! And Matthew is all into Honey Os cereal and for $1.49 a box, I bought a few boxes!!! 😁

Our summer weeks are going by quick and we can’t wait to have some exciting events happening soon!!!!!

Have a great weekend everyone!!!!