Friday, June 7, 2019

Memorial Day Weekend Memories!!!!

Memorial Day Weekend was spent with the same five families that we have so much fun with!!! This is a group of friends that goes back years and years and once upon a time, we all went to the same church! 😁 As time goes on, things change. Our friendship,  however, still stands strong! 

We changed locations this year and went to the Trophy Whitetail Lodge and loved this place!!! 

This little cutie joined our bunch and we are proud of Matt Lapps for opening up their hearts and lives to this dear boy!!! Love you Cayden!!!

The guys played endless amounts of Acquire while the children swam and played! The ladies, well, we served the food and drank the coffee! 🤗

Martha Rose always has some kind of game up her sleeves and this year they just seemed extra fun!!! Thanks Mart!!!

Because my computer is not letting me blog, I’m doing this from my phone and it’s not easy! Big pictures and no keyboard to use, is not fun! I’m going to post this but maybe when things get figured out and back to normal, I might share some more about this special, fun weekend!!!