Tuesday, September 10, 2019

I love Septemeber!!!

I love September for so many reasons!!!!  The first that comes to my mind is the blue, clear skies!  The cooler breeze that comes through the now open windows!  The AC turned off.  The warm tempts during the day but the cooler weather at night!!!!  It's time to think about all things pumpkin!!!  I start grabbing for those plaids and strips and want to start wearing layers!!!  September and May are my favorite months and I think they are in a way similar!  We are back to greener grass and not so hot weather!  In May, the leaves are growing and in September the leaves are starting to change their color!  I love it!!!!

I have a few things to share here today!  One is this Well Watered Journal I received the other day!  I love to journal and write down my thoughts and I used to do this every.single.day when Hadassah and Matthew were little.  I have a small stack of journal books for my kids to read someday if they wish to.  After I started this blog, I found myself typing down my feelings, plus photos, and so that kinda took the place of my journal.  I do love to take notes at church and often wish I had some kind of spiritual journal because I believe in this verses that says, "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.  Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your should and with all your strength.  These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts.  Impress them on your children.  Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road.  When you lie down and when you get up.  Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads."  Deuteronomy 6:4-8  Journal down my prayers has a way of reminding me to not forget the God I serve!  It's the same God that help little David fight big Goliath.  It's the same God that stood the sun still while Gideon fought the battle!  The same God that lead His people through the wilderness for many years and fed them manna and gave them water from a rock!  The same God that sent His only Son to die for sinners.  For me!!!  Jesus died and then rose again because the grave could not hold him!!!  Jesus ascended into heaven and now lives with God until he is told to come rapture up his church!!!!  Writing down prayers and going back to see how God answered them ALL builds my faith!!!  So, I ordered my first "Give Me Jesus" journal!  I'm loving it so far!  I don't stress to journal daily but just when something is pressing on my heart!


How cool is this!!!!  We woke up Saturday morning with a bunch of hot air balloons right outside our door!!!!  We counted 15 but there may have been more!!!!  It was so neat to see!!!


Austin is doing super duper since school began!  I was nervous about him being bored but so far he proved me wrong!  He only gets gadget moments on Tuesday, Thursday and weekends and this really helped him get creative!  The other day he wanted to go fishing, so he got out his/Matthews gear and we started up the sprinkler so he could "fish".


I love pumpkins!!!  The taste and the decor!!!  Our plans were to go buy some of those huge pumpkins from pumpkin patch we took some pictures in but yesterday we went past a farm with some fall decor out and we stopped to price out the big ones!!!  These were only $12 a piece!!!!  Any place I've ever seen huge pumpkins were over $30 each!  Austin and I grabbed two and some small pumpkins and as soon as we came home, he wanted to one!!!!

 Gotta love that tongue!!!  :)


Mike tries really hard to let me have some "me time" on Saturdays!  It's been so wonderful to get out all by myself and enjoy some eats in peace.  Shop in peace.  And just have some quiet moments alone!  On Saturday I stopped at Panera in hopes they had their squash soup but they didn't just yet.  I still enjoyed the food and some time alone!!!  Thanks Babe!!!


Here's a fun, easy pumpkin drink I made at home the other day!  I mixed cold brew, pumpkin pie syrup, ice and water and topped it with whipped cream!  So yummy on these warmer fall days!!!

I babysat Lena's boys last Friday and Bryce was my pumpkin cookie taster!!!


We are back into the school sports craziness!!!  Hadassah stared up volleyball and I love, love this sport!  I love to play it and watch it!!!  I'm so proud of how Hadassah has improved greatly in this sport over the years and I love watching her play!!!

Go Linville!!!!

 Matthew started up golf for PV too.  Golf isn't an easy sport to play or to watch.  I'm not going to be tagging behind each putt and so I have no photo's of him just yet!!!  Maybe one of these days I'll sneak to the golf course and capture the moment???


The produce right now is wonderful!!!  Look at these yummy looking grapes I bought at Kauffmans!  Ashlyn loves these and they taste so good!!!!

All some peaches, pears and spaghetti and egg plant!!!!  So yummy!

And talking about food, Hadassah keeps saying that I have no food around.  Now, when she says that she doesn't mean how it sounds because we are blessed with lots of different foods.  I like to eat healthy and so does she!  But I cook supper every night and that's what I have mostly in the fridge.  Supper foods, fresh veggies and fruits.  The pantry is stocked with granola bars and snacks.  When Hadassah comes out to pack a lunch for school, she doesn't want the little bit of lunch meat I keep on hand.  She doesn't eat baloney.  She doesn't want leftovers too often.  Often her lunch consists of cucumbers and canned pickles and Zerbe's chips!!!  :)))  I finally asked her what she means and what she would like???!!!  She mentioned grilled chicken strips.  So, that's what I did!  I found any easy marinate of olive oil, lemon juice, oregano and salt.  Then I grilled the boneless chicken breast and cut it in strips.  There are now small bags of meat in the refrigerator for her to grab for her lunch!!!  I hope she enjoys this!!!

September is moving along quickly!  My days go by way too fast as I try to keep up with laundry, food, picking string beans from garden and yard work.  I feel like the moment the kids come home from school, I better be ready for them!  They want a snack and soon eat supper!  Then we are off to sports or some memory games on the living room floor!

Life is busy and I wish it would slow down at times but God is good!  So good to give us healthy bodies, healthy minds and plenty of clean water and good food!!!  My list could go for forever if I would start typing down all my blessings!!!!

Thank you God for my blessings!!!!