Monday, September 16, 2019

Random thoughts on this Autumn day.

Autumn has the best smells and flavors!!!  Do you agree?  I'm a lover of all things pumpkin and I love the aroma of freshly baked pumpkin cookies with ginger and cinnamon and nutmeg all combined!  I also love apple cider!  Apples seem to be a fall food and we love apple pie from scratch!  I got a recipe from my cousin Kate years ago and I love to make in the fall!  I'll post it when its baked!  Apple Cider from Kauffman's is something I buy this time of year too!  I love it cold or hot!  Or make a Apple Cider Latte!!!  All you do is heat apple cider, add a hot cider tea bag and let it seep for a few minutes.  Add a splash of heavy cream and some caramel and enjoy!  I love this so much!!!  You should try it!

My brother LaVern texted us all the other week that Weston Tate was born!  They have the cutest babies and we couldn't wait to go see him!!!  Ashlyn is a proud cousin!!!


September 11 is a day I will never forget!  I remember right where I was when I heard the terrible news of planes crashing into the Twin Towers!  I remember how I felt for the people in NY City!  I remember wanting to watch the news and buy the newspapers and listen to the radio for updates!  It must have been terrible!!!  I now share this sad moment of history with my children.


I'm not much of a reader.  I wish I would read more because reading makes you smarter!!!  Matthew's teacher last year gave him this book at graduation.  I've been wanting to read it and I finally opened it the other day!  These warmer autumn days had me enjoying the sunshine and reading!  I'm loving the book so far and have so many lines highlighted!!!!  Good read!

And these two are a mess!!!  Literally!  Ashlyn asked what the charcoal in the medicine cabinet was for the other day and I said that Hadassah mixes it with coconut oil and uses it for a face mask!  The next day, Hadassah texted me a picture of them!  They brushed their teeth with it and totally had black stuff all over the sink!  Deep cleaning for them I suppose!

Matthew plays golf for PV.  He competes after school and goes to practises.  I tried to stay calm the other night when I picked him up because he hopped in the Yukon with a baby snapping turtle.  No big right???  He said he found it at the golf course and wanted it for a pet.  The kids are loving it but I'm not sure it's going to survive.  So far he fed it fish food and bird worms!!!

Saturday was a day of splitting fights.  The two youngest usually play well but I'm not sure why Saturday was a tit for tat day???  They fought about everything!  I don't like days like this and wanted to push a restart button!  We finally did sit down and I asked them "why all the fighting?"  They didn't have an answer and when Mike came home later, Ashlyn said that it's "fighting day".  I thought maybe some yummy wings for lunch would be a hit but they ended up being spicy and made Ashlyn's mouth all red!  Matthew loved them though!!!  Thank goodness!!!

I bought this metal décor thing at Kings Homestead last year.  It was pictured to hold candles in each glass votive.  I used it like this for awhile and over the holidays but this spring I decided to add fresh flowers into it and turn the votive into vases!!!  I'm so happy I did because I had it on the dining room table all summer with flowers in it!  Right now I cut hydrangeas and dahlias and stuck them in the water vases!  It's so easy and makes a stunning display!!!

We are clipping right along with school!  Today I contacted the Smoothie people and got my schedule in place for our upcoming school sale!  The kids are off to the races with volleyball games and golf practises!!!  Ashlyn's in third grade and back into doing spelling words and bible memory!  Austin is doing really well entertaining himself!!!  I'm surprised!  Of course, he asks me to throw catch or play football and we do that for awhile but when it's time for me to get my work done, he goes off to play.  The NO GADGET days have been the best ever!!!  It really gets him thinking and being creative without having a gadget as a source of entertainment!  Today he played Peter Rabbit!  He hopped into Costco!  Another mom smiled at me and said, "My daughter was pretending to be a rabbit yesterday!  It's all good!"  We laughed and I've been around the bouncing bunny all day!

Mike's been a bit busy lately!  Our friend Emil passed away last week and Mike took his mom and some siblings to the viewing.  Then it was a work night at church the next night.  It was his day for Quakertown to sell sheds on Saturday and then we went with some church friends out to eat Saturday night!  We loved that!!!  Nights out with fun couples are just the best!  Sunday morning he was out the door early to go run a 5K for another friend that was in an accident and is now paralyzed from the waist down.  The 5K was a fundraiser for Brian!  Mike was back home after lunch and with us in the evening.  It's been hard trying to juggle Matthew's golf pick up times and being on time with Hadassah's volleyball games but we managed!!!  Tonight I've decided to just stay home with the kids instead of watching volleyball!  There are more games to watch later this week!

My favorite month is going by quickly!  I love these warmer days and cooler, windows open nights!

Have a great week!