Thursday, August 6, 2020

Arizona: Day 5.

It is day five of our Arizona vacation and it's time to pack up and move on to destination number two.  We loved this house in Sedona!!!!
View right from the back door!

We had a huge window out the back that gave us this view!

I thought all along that there was a place actually called Radiator Springs.  I hoped we could see a small version of Cars somewhere along the way.  I was wrong.  Cars did get created from the gorgeous scenes of Arizona but not an actual place to visit.
We did make a quick potty stop at this small place and I got my fill of the Cars movie.  It was so cool!

We had about a 2 1/2 hour drive to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon.  The kids did great but we were all ready to be there and see this major attraction in the USA!

We parked and walked to the closes path that many others were taking to see the Grand Canyon.  When Hadassah and Matthew walked up to the railing, they burst out laughing.  When I walked up to the railing, I freaked!!!!  Oh my goodness!  There were no words to explain what my eyes were seeing.  There is a vast, very vast canyon in the ground!!!!  It's far to the bottom!  Very far!  Too far for my nervous eyes to comprehend.  I took a step back or held on to the railing.  I don't like heights and something this grand made me so nervous!

We did manage to get a few pictures!

But just seeing my family at the edge of the railing was about too much for me!  It's far down there!!!!

On the way, we also passed Bed Rock!

It was mountains and valleys so far down there!

He was all about climbing and even this small rock in the middle of the tourist area, he had to climb on it!
I look OK here but I am extremely nervous!
This man has no fear of heights.

This was away from the cliffs and he was so happy to climb a rock!

And this is when I lost my cool!  Austin hoped up on Mike's hip and looked around.  I just burst into crying and grabbed Austin's hand.  To have him up past the railing just was too much for me to see.  I tried not to cry.  I tried to be brave.  

Austin and I walked back away from the railing area and when the others were finished with the view, we packed it up and left.

We thought we had another 2 hour drive to Page, Arizona, only to realize that the route we planned on driving was not open.  We couldn't use the North Rim roads.  We all gave a major sigh but had to then drive back 2 1/2 hours to get the next route to Page.  It ended up being a very long day of nerves, driving and even some tears.