Friday, August 14, 2020

Finishing up our Arizona trip.

 The last four days of our trip consisted of more golf, more foods, more sights and then heading back to the place we call home!!!!

Big Johns BBQ was a popular place to eat and we enjoyed the outside (because of COVID) eating.  The kids loved the fall off the ribs and yummy meats!!!!

And Little Miss was taking a photo of Little Man!!!!

Horseshoe Bend ... so much is said about this location in Page, Arizona.  Many photographers have taken gorgeous photos at this overlook!  It was on my "must do list" but I was still nervous because once again, it was an overlook.  That means heights!  And far down views.  Mike and I decided to take this short drive early on Tuesday morning and let the children back at the house still sleeping!  Heights are different for me if it's just my life to fend for and not my children's safety.

We went to leave at 6 AM and we had a dead battery in the Subarban.  Thanks to a good neighbor, we got a quick charge and off we went!

It was a nice walk to the peek and as we sipped on our water, we walked right up to this!!!!

It really is so beautiful!  There were some railings to protect from falling but the view was breath taking.  Arizona has so much dessert and so the green hoes here are just gorgeous!!!!

I spy a hare!!!!

At the very bottom were some campers along the Colorado River.

I actually really liked this place!  No one was being daring and so worth the early morning outing!

We lived just beind the golf course in Page and we walked the paths every day.  The last evening of our vacation, we walked the little path behind our house and watched a small snake eat a lizard on our way to the golf path.  

Mike was a little nervous when the girls were putting the nice greens and made sure they were being gentle.

You could see miles and miles!!!!

Mike was in his glory at this course.

The kids had a blast.

Matthew's favorite thing to do was to collect balls along the course!  He found a lot!

One cliff after the next!  Every time I looked this view, I thought of how it must have been when Jesus was teaching years ago.  I could picture lots of people sitting on these ledges and listening to the Sermon on the Mount.

Coke and golf balls .... happy lad!!!!

Hadassah enjoyed the trip but she's getting ready to see Jeremiah again!!!!

Golden hour on the golf course.

Checking out what all Matthew found!

These guys loved all the golf!!!!

We packed our bags on Wednesday and took that long drive back to Phoenix.  We ate supper at the Sugar Bowl in Sedona and checked into our motel.  We decided to spend the last night in a motel so we don't have miles to travel before getting to the airport. 

Hilton had a family suite that we used for our last night in Phoenix.  It was perfect with two queen beds for the kiddies and a king in a master bedroom.  Two bathrooms and a small kitchen!  Hadassah and I went on our first shopping spree since we were on vacation to a local Ross and I've never been in a Ross so packed with things!  It was a real treat to browse and find a few things for my niece that will be born after we get back home!!!!

We grabbed a quick breakfast at the motel before heading to the airport on Thursday, July 23.

We grabbed our masks and boarded the plane.

This little man did so good the entire trip!  The first thing he said when he woke up was, "Can we please just stay one more day in Arizona???"  He loved every bit of it!  The rest of us enjoyed it too but still happy to head back home!  This time I remembered to wear long sleeves and pants on the plane.  Why is it so freezing cold on these flights?????  Goodness, pretty sure no germs can survive those tempts.

Always wants the window seat!

We had a friend pick us up at the airport and again we drove those many miles back home!  

Home ... it sure did feel good to be back on flat land and see the silos!!!!!  The corn and garden goodies grew so much while we were away.  The weeds did too!!!!  Goodness, I've never had weeds that size before but we've never been away for this long in the summer before either!  It will take some work to get it looking like someone lives here again!  We miss Coco not being in his pen.  I chuckled at the things each of us did when we got home.  Mike checked the mail.  Ashlyn and I grabbed flashlights and went outside to check on the kitties and the garden!  The boys unloaded bags.  Hadassah flopped on her bed and excited to see her friends again tomorrow.

Home sweet home!!!!  Arizona has been so wonderful and we thank the God of all creation for a safe, fun trip!!!!