Thursday, August 20, 2020

Baby Zayla!


If ever there were two families that blended together so much ... it's Matt's and Mike's!!!!  Sister in law Lena was scheduled to deliver their fourth baby and guess who got to keep their boys for awhile!!??!!

Lena did surprise me a bit when Hadassah was out of the house early that morning but she texted me and said she's going to clean an office.  This actually does happen so I didn't think much of it!  At 8:30, she brings the boys to my house.  I thought Matt and Lena were dropping them off.  Anyway, Lena was hoping to have her baby by then and surprise us with the news but her surgery got pushed back an hour and so we waited for the text after breakfast!

Meanwhile, the kids were playing rodeo clowns!  Wonder where they got that idea???

We love these boys like our own children!  We only live a mile apart and we see each other almost every day.  The children all play so well together!!!!  We have people tell us all the time that they all look like siblings.  I'll let you figure out which ones are Lapps and who are the Stoltzfus's.  

We were so happy and delighted to hear that Zayla Hope was born and she officially broke the boy streak. Three older brothers and now a girl ... she will be well protected I'm sure!

Because of COVID, Lena is not allowed to have any visitors, so we had to wait to see Zayla until she came home with her mom!  Meanwhile, the three boys spent a lot of time here with us and they did so well!!!!

Congratulations Matt and Lena!