Monday, April 18, 2022

Easter, 2022

We spent Easter Weekend at the cabin with my family and it was so fun!  It's been a long time since every single person was up at the same time!  The cabin was full of much laughter, chocolate bunnies and we played a lot of games!  Four up and four down was a favorite game!

The cousins had a blast all weekend!  They stayed up late, played games, painted eggs and had an egg hunt outside!

My Mom always gets chocolate bunnies for the kids!

We started and finished a puzzle!  Mommy D was along this time and she loves puzzles.  We had lots of hours hovering around the puzzle looking for pieces to fit!

My mom makes the best shoofly pies!

I never saw a live elk and so we took a drive to see if we could find some!  There were lots out in the woods!

Everyone made a meal and I made a breakfast!  Sourdough English Muffins are so good and I made some the last morning we were there!

Easter is a Christian Holiday celebrating the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus!  Sunday morning, we sat around the cabin table discussing the events of Jesus being crucified.  There's lots that happened on that day!  Jesus did die.  He was carried off to a new tomb and wrapped in grave clothes.  A stone was rolled to close the opening of the door.  The women that cared for Jesus while he was on earth, mixed spices and aloes and took them to the grave as soon as the Sabbath was over.  They wondered who would roll the stone aside for them to enter but when they walked up to the tomb, the stone was rolled away!  Angels were sitting by the grave and told them that Jesus is alive!  He arose from the dead!  They were to go tell the disciples what happened!  (Read about it in the last chapter of Mark!). 

Easter is such a wonderful time to read and think about how Jesus died for ALL SINNERS!  He died so I can live!  I printed out a Easter timeline paper from Pinterest and we read the scriptures each night that lead up to the death of Jesus!  I love doing things like this as a family!  To teach the children the real meanings of Christmas and Easter is such a responsibility!  My parents taught me ... I must teach our children!

Go read about this true story in the Bible!  All four gospels tell the story!

Happy Easter!!!