Friday, April 22, 2022


Plants are being planted!  The early plants like lettuce, kale, spinach, carrots, beets and radishes are all popping through the dirt but growing slowly.  The weather here has been so cold and we even had snowflakes dancing through the air earlier this week.  We are SO READY for the warmer tempts to come and the garden is waiting for the sunshine to warm it up too!

Here I planted cabbage and celery.  Cabbage is one of my favorite vegetables to watch grow!  It begins with such a small plant and then grows nice and round and so full in only a few months!  Celery is something I eat every single day and last year I decided to plant some in the fall but it got cold too soon and I didn't harvest any celery.  I'm excited to see it grow this spring! 

Broccoli is a vegetable that Austin eats!  So we plant it!

I've been dreaming of making the garden area more beautiful and adding some trees sounded like a good idea!  Spring time there are many trees with pretty blooms and I think our garden could use some depth and trees!  I asked around to other friends that have fruit trees of their own and asked about the work or spraying and trimming and everyone said, "Go for it!"  Mike wasn't that excited because as a young boy, he had to mow around this parents small orchard and didn't like that job!  He did smile and agreed to a few trees!  Jody and I went together and each bought some trees!  I got a Honeycrisp Apple tree and two peach trees.  One Contender and one Red Haven!  Mike planted them for me the other night and I cannot wait to watch these grow and give us some fruits and pretty blooms!

I also grabbed four red raspberry plants that we planted in the garden area!  The kids are going to love these!

I love my garden area and really like that this hobby is fun for me and not too much work!  Adding these trees and bushes I think are going to be a great thing for us!  I love fences and gates but I don't want to fence in the garden because it feels to me like it can't expand.  I am searching Pinterest for some ideas and thinking maybe some kind of big gate for an entrance would be nice!  Any ideas???

The boys are getting ready for Austin's first baseball game next game and Mike invited Matt and his boys over for some batting practice!

They had ice cream as a treat.

These girls are just the best of friends!  I love to watch them together!  Zayla loves to follow Ashlyn around and feed the neighbors horse!

Sourdough is something I am still figuring out.  I make bread now and then.  I've made quite a few English muffins already with my sourdough starter but at the cabin I noticed it wasn't rising the best for me.  I called my friend Clarita for some tips and watched some Youtube videos to learn how others care and feed their starters.  I came to realize that I'm not feeding my starter properly!  Yesterday, Hadassah and I both baked a loaf that we mixed together the night before and the dough didn't have the best rise but it still turned out OK!  I hope to get my starter in better condition and then try again!  There's much to learn with sourdough!

Hadassah and Jer love the sourdough sandwich bread I make!

The weather has been chilly around here this spring but I still bought some of my favorite white petunias the other day and planted them around the house!  They can handle some cold and we will soon be ready for mulch!  It's being delivered today!  The palms will have to stay in the garage a little bit yet.  It's still too cold for them to thrive outside.

We are waiting for the weather to warm up and begin the baseball season in the park!!!  The weather forecast is saying warmer for this weekend which means we will be outside a lot more!

Let's go Spring!!!  The garden is waiting to thrive!  The trees in the front lawn are ready to burst with pink flowers!  The grass is so green and already growing a lot!  It's been a month of Spring now and we are super ready for weather to prove it and get warmer!

Have a great weekend friends!  The kids are counting down the school days and I think they are in the low 20's now!  It won't be long before school will be out and summer on it's way!  Yeah!!!!!

"For behold, the winter is past; the rain is over and gone.  The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land."  Song of Solomon 2:11-12