Friday, September 16, 2022

All in a day!

 Signs of Autumn are around us!  The sun is golden and the skies are blue, blue!  The air is crisp and our AC is turned off!  The windows are open but closed at night because the chill in the air is getting real now.  Pumpkins are displayed around every corner!  I love it!

The other day, Ashlyn said to me, "Mom, I bet all you do all day is listen to your favorite music!"  I smiled and agreed.  Then the next day, Hadassah made the comment, "What are you going to do today, Mom?"  Again, I smiled and that's when I thought that it would be so fun to journal my "things to do" in a day.  I would pay a lot of money for some journals of what my mom's day would have looked like years ago!  I remember thinking the exact same thing about my mom!  We left for school and she was always doing the laundry and when we came home, everything looked the same to me.  Now, that I'm a mom I know she was busy all day long to keep it looking organized and clean in our home.  So, yesterday, I documented a lot of my errands!  Here you go girls!  I hope some day you look back and see what all your mom did in a day!

First thing is devotions and that's reading Daniel 4-6 today.  I cannot imagine a man actually living and becoming like the cattle but it happened to the king of that day.  Then Daniel interprets the writing on the wall and later gets thrown into a den of lions but lives and the king issues a decree that the people must fear and reverence the God of Daniel!  Go and read it!

I'm teaching Sunday School on Sunday and we are starting a study on the book of John!  So I make notes.

While Hadassah brings her employee to our house and cleans three bathrooms, vacuums the living room, cleans kitchen widows and then wipes up all the floors, I pack three lunches for school and make French toast and lemon tree for the Littles!  The cleaners and school kids are all our the door by 8 AM!  A lot got accomplished already!

Laundry is started and the bedsheets and bathroom rugs get washed!

Make up brushes get cleaned!

The kitchen gets cleaned up and the dishwasher loaded!

Water the plants outside.

And it's why I love September because you don't know if it's gonna be warm enough for shorts or if you should wear slippers and a long sleeve shirt?  I love that I mowed the lawn this week in a tank top and shorts and then went grabbing for something warmer to wear when then kids came home from school!  I love this season!

I like breakfast!

And I ALWAYS listen to HOPE 94.5!!!  Ashlyn is exactly right that I listen to all my favorite songs every single day!  I love this HD2 radio station!

Ask for help when needed!!!  This was spoken over me when Austin was a born.  We packed up our entire house, moved into my in laws one bedroom basement when Austin was only five weeks old, lived there for 5 months while we remodeled our home and moved back in to the finished new home on the week of Christmas!!!  It was so crazy but we did it!  I love a clean house and I made new goals for my cleaning after we remodeled so I hired a friend to come help me.  We cleaned together!  I loved it that way!  Then she got another job and now I pay Hadassah and Jess to come for one hour each Thursday!  It's such a huge help!  Austin is now seven and I'm spoiled and want cleaners always!  Whatever does not get done by them, I then do.  Dusting, vacuuming, clean the kitchen, etc!!!  It's what works for me right now and I love it!  I don't pay a full price cleaning bill because I actually clean to but it's still a huge help!

I started doing this a few years back and that is ... if I'm teaching Sunday school, I try to listen to a sermon on that scripture. So we are just beginning the book of John in Sunday school on Sunday and I'm teaching.  So, while I cleaned a bathroom and dusted, I listened to a sermon!  This is one of my favorite preachers!

I folded lots of laundry.

I was almost finished cleaning and Hadassah stops in again!  She's finished cleaning today too and so she went with me to Costco!  I wanted to buy a sheet set for Austin but do you think we could find that one full size???  Bless this mans help as he helped us look in all the bins.  I was not going to look through all the boxes but he was trying to help me find my deal!  He even considered looking in the bin high up in the racks but we laughed as he gave Hadassah life lessons as to why it's ok if she's like her mom and loves a good deal and digs through lots of sheet sets.

It was 3:00 before I knew what happened,  I put the laundry way, groceries away from Costco and waited in the sunshine for Austin to come home from school!

After checking my email box, scrolling through some media, Austin was home!  He grabbed a snack, changed clothes and we were off to volleyball!

We went to Ashlyn's volleyball game and watched them win their match!

Heated up some New England Clam Chowder from Costco for our supper after we got home from volleyball!

I helped Ashlyn with some math homework and Austin read to me for 10 minuets.  Then it was time for baths, devotions and popcorn!

We all snuggled on the basement couch and watched the Chiefs win their second football game!  Go Chiefs!

This completes my posts that I documented on Instagram but the truth is there is actually a lot more that I did!  We have a house dog, Ginger, that needs to be left out every now and then!  I made four beds after the sheets were all dry!  We grabbed some Latte Luv drinks on the way to the volleyball game!  The garden was watered.  I reminded Matthew of some things he needed to pack for the high school retreat he was attending that night!  Just life ... 

I love being a mom!  I love how each day looks different for me.  Yesterday, was cleaning day.  Today, I will be working outside and mowing the lawn and weed eating around the property!  I bake sourdough bread most Wednesdays.  I'm busy but love it!

This blog has been such a fun resource for our family to look back over the years and I hope that one day, this post will be interesting for my children!

Happy September!