Monday, September 12, 2022

September weekend.

The autumn candles are burning non stop in my kitchen while I mixed up 5 dozen fiber balls for the senior class fundraiser.  Matthew's class planned a volleyball tournament and chicken bbq on Saturday and it went great!  They raised a lot funds for their upcoming Africa trip! 

The garden is looking pretty good for September!  However, I did pull out the plants that the worms or bugs decided to feast on!  They just didn't look good anymore.  BUT, I planted more butter crunch and cabbage and I'm hoping it will be ready to harvest before the frost comes!!!  Bryce and Zayla helped me pull out all the sunflowers too.  They are finished blooming but I kept the heads that full of seeds and I hope to use them for new plants next year!!!  Cucumbers are coming too ... stay away frost!

We did it!!!!  We finished our first 2000 piece puzzle over the weekend!  We started this on vacation at the cabin, carefully wrapped it in plastic to bring it home and it's been on the dining room table ever since.  So many moments were around the puzzle and piece by piece we got there!  Ashlyn and I loved it the most!  So cool!  Matthew's friends were even found around the puzzle a few times!


Campfires are staples during the summer but also in the fall!  Saturday night, Matt and Lena came over and we gathered around the campfire!  I heated up some apple cider and we sipped on that while we roasted veggies from the garden!  I picked jalapeños, banana peppers and little stuffing peppers!  I also grabbed some pea size tomatoes and we cooked them all over the fire with bacon and herb dip stuffed in the peppers!  It was such an easy, tasty snack!

Yesterday, the kids and I stayed home from church because Ashlyn has a cough.  She feels fine but sounds terrible.  We watched church online and then watched the first football games with Mike in the afternoon/eve!  It was fun to watch this game once again and we are ready for it!  Every year, I learn a little more about this complicated game!  My family gathered at Jason's for a birthday party for Shakia and while we were there we watched the Chiefs win their football game and Austin lost his very first tooth!

September 11, is a date I will never forget.  I was pregnant with our first baby!  We were in Florida with my grandparents.  They were doing some house work before the winter came.  Mike was out golfing and an elderly man told him that two planes crashed into the twin towers.  Terrorist attacks.  We didn't have cell phones so when he came back to the Florida house, we went out the mall to watch the news on TV.  We bought newspapers and listened to the radio for news updates.  How terrible it was for America on that day!  So much death, loss, hurts and pains!

We made it to today and I still remember this like yesterday!  God bless America!  

September is such a beautiful month!  Enjoy it!