Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Labor Day Weekend.

I don't know the last time when I was in the kitchen baking and mixing up so many things for one weekend!  We got invited to spend the weekend with the 50's Group at JR and Lorene's cabin and it was so much fun!  We had a lot of good, wholesome conversations!

I baked pumpkin cupcakes, made a pan of Rice Krispie roll ups and baked a coffee cake for our breakfast the next morning! 

The kids had a blast and the we drove out to town for some coffee drinks one afternoon!  Can you see Austin's eye is healing up but not without some color there!  When he did a backwards flip on the trampoline the other day, he hit his knee and bruised it.  It's now got quite the shiner on his eye.

There was lots of football and wiffle ball games played!

Of course, I went with a fall flavor drink.

We spent lots of time outside.  One evening, we took time to remember Tot's life (and of course Damiens life too) because it's been a year now that she passed into eternity.  We cried and then prayed as we remembered and then the kids said some great memories of her!  It's sobering to think that two of our good friends have already buried their oldest child.  Both families have been through so much grief but they are proof that God can take you through grief and bring healing!  Life is a journey and we are witnessing their two families grieve, adjust and move forward.  God is still so good!  

We also laughed as we talked about family stories!  Life always brings funny stories and this group of friends is always filled with laughter!

Spending Labor Day in the woods, at a lovely cabin, with great friends was perfect!!!!