Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Ashlyn goes to camp!


July is going by so fast!  There are lots of fun things lined up and going to camp is one of the highlights!  Ashlyn loves camp and decided to go again this year.  Of course, Austin and I missed her terribly at home but I knew she was having the best time!  

My photos downloaded backwards but this was the night Ashlyn got home from camp.  It was Matthews 18 birthday and we decided to make a quick dinner stop with him to grab his favorite burgers from DJ's 50 Diner.  We ate, we laughed and it was good to have Ashlyn join the family fun again.  Matthew was off to ride his dirt bike after dinner and we wished him birthday wishes as he left!

These two missed each other a lot and it's good to have them back together.

I was asked to take a special snack for the girls on Wednesday night.  It was fun to serve the girls and I got to peak in on Ashlyn and her camp friends!!!

While Ashlyn was at camp, Austin and I got lots of time together!  We took my Mom out for a birthday celebration and ate at Hudson Botanical and then grabbed ice cream later in the day.

Jody and the twins went with us too!  Pinewood and Posies is filled with the most beautiful flower fields and gardens!  We walked around and each picked a bouquet of flowers!

Meanwhile, Ashlyn was still at camp enjoying every minute of it!

Austin got some rolled cold creamery ice cream on warm night too.

Ashlyn was excited to have Sophia and Ava join the fun this year in her cabin!

Girls Camp of 2023 was so much fun for Ashlyn!  

Camp is always a week of lots of energy going on!  Lessons are learned.  Rope courses are climbed.  Ashlyn loved the giant swing.  Theme worship songs and daily devotions all have a good place at camp and I know Ashlyn will be impacted!

Thank you camp staff for making this such a wonderful place to be!