Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Christmas week.

 We had a crazy busy week the week of Christmas!  The letters and cards all got mailed out!  We started two hours late at school on Monday because of so much rain and flooding!  We had basketball every night, practice or a game, except for Wednesday.  I had a hair appointment at a different salon because The Mansion on Main had a fire.  Thankfully, the salon was able to fix my green tint hair.  Middle School had an academic fair and Ashlyn displayed her board for a minutes before we had to rush out to make the Sight and Sound Miracle of Christmas Show!  I made a trip into Costco to buy food for our family Christmas dinner!  We ended the busy week with a basketball against PV on Friday night.  We were ready for the weekend!!!!!

The kids were invited to dress festive!  Dr. Hurst always has the best!

I had a teeny bit of time to enjoy some Christmas drinks from The Houston Cafe!  So yummy!

The week of Christmas always requires fresh greens!

Here we are on Wednesday enjoying the Sight and Sound Show!  The show was awesome and we really loved it!  What a great reminder that we need a Savior!

Peppermint milk shakes for the win!

I'm not used to seeing this yet but Mike is on the coaching bench!  Way to go Babe!

Christmas is only a few days away!  We are ready!!!!