Tuesday, September 18, 2012

HER demands!

Ashlyn is 18 months old and I love this stage!!!  It's my ALL TIME FAVORITE age ( I think )?.!  One moment I love the adorableness of our youngest and the next moment I am pulling out my hair in frustration!  She's so cute yet so demanding.  She's so lovable but so hard to 'stop her from throwing tantrums'.

You would think that after being through this stage twice already with our other kids, we would know what and how to handle some of these demands.  (Like at this very moment ... she is determined to put the lid on her sippy filled with water ALL BY HERSELF.  Thankfully it is just water!)

Her naps are trying too recently!  I am used to just laying her in her crib and she sleeps.  Lately, she thinks she doesn't need naps.  She gets so tired and miserable but yet still just cries and cries when she's laid in her crib.  What do I do???

It's keeping me humble (and stressed).  I keep praying that we will discipline the right way.  Mike and I are trying TOGETHER and inside I know that is a huge step for success.  What people call the 'terrible two's' ... I think we are dealing with them a tad early with this girl.

We love her to death, spite all the challenges!  Toddlers are sometimes tough ... on their parents and those all around, but they are also HUGE blessings!  Please don't take this post the wrong way ... I am not complaining.  I am willing to go through the tough and the good.  It is called 'parenting'!  With God guiding us, we will never give up!

Here is ONE of Ashlyn's demands right now!  Popsicles!  She wants to eat them for her breakfast!  Her wants one for lunch and her snacks.  She stands at the freezer door and whines and whines.  She says, "Popsicle!"  I texted Mike this morning and stated that there will be no more Popsicles bought until next summer!  Done deal!

Yet, when I see her enjoying the fruit pops (I wonder how much 'fruit' is actually in one of these?) I still get a warm feeling inside.  Kids are just known to love Popsicles!  Brings a sweet childhood memory for me.  It's kinda a mess to clean up after she has it eaten.  She's got juice drips and slush on her shirt and hands but worth her enjoyment.  Take a look ...

 She is saying "cheese"!

Another "demand" for her recently is - my iPhone.  My phone has never been a toy for the kids and there were never any games played on my phone.  It's a phone and not a toy!  Well, the other week I saw some cute Fisher Price free games and downloaded them on my phone thinking that it will be a good past time for when we are on doing errands on the road.  It's become a lot more than that!!! 
Every time she sees my phone now, she thinks she NEEDS to play on it!  So sorry for all those who called me the past few days and you hear her screaming in the background!  I can hardly talk on the phone with her around because when she sees my phone she wants it!  Sigh!
Oh, well.  Toddlers are still fun.  They are only in this stage of life for a short time and so I must enjoy every moment and every day to it's fullest!
Enjoy your toddlers today!!!  :)