Saturday, October 26, 2013

Mice (post 2) ...

I heard a cry coming from the bathroom this morning ... "I want it to stop!!!"  Hadassah seems to now be the one having the stomach bug.  I'm not sure why it is all happening weekends?  Three weeks ago it was Ashlyn.  Last Saturday/Sunday it was Matthew.  Now it's Hadassah!  After throwing up, she does seem a lot better and keeps munching on crackers and drinking water.  She absolutely hates that 'after chuck up throat feeling'.  Me too!

When she cried out, "I want it to stop!", I immediately agreed with her!  Stop the stomach bug and stop the mice infestation!!!  I have lost track by now and I am VERY AWARE that that's not a good thing!!!  Last night, after another fun night of games, we came home and Mike was gathering his hunting things together.  He was really excited to be going with brother John Mike to the cabin!  They left late last night/early this morning.  I'm not real sure ... I was already sleeping when John Mike picked Mike up.  Anyway, when John Mike got here, they heard a mouse.  Somewhere around the piano.  (I am now watching Ginger like a hawk because she's been sniffing around the piano the past few days.)  Mike put a sticky trap on the floor with peanut butter and also set a trap inside the piano.

At 5:30 this morning, Ashlyn woke up crying for a drink.  As I filled a cup in the kitchen, I heard a squeal.  Not exactly what I like to hear!  Ever!!!  Especially that early in the morning.  I looked and sure enough there was a tiny mouse on the trap!  I have no idea why I didn't kill it right then and there other than the reason of just wanted to get back to bed.  I set the trap outside the door up on my planter.  I thought that if the cats get to it then glory be!!!  When I did get up this morning to stay up, I went right outside to kill that mouse!  Sure enough, the trap was on the porch with NO mouse.  I wish like crazy I would have killed it earlier but now I am really, really hoping that it was the cats and that they got rid of it!  If it did get away, at least it is now outside!!!  :/  I texted Mike and said that his trap worked!  Caught the mouse!!!  You know what he texted back???  "Look in the piano left side."  I texted back ... "What?  OK."  I lifted up the piano lid and sure enough.  Another mouse was caught in another trap.  There were mice turds inside.  Some of Gingers food was in under it.  I think we found their 'home'!!!???  I swept out the turds and the mess they made.  Maybe this is why Hadassah keeps saying that some of the piano keys are sticking?  Sigh.

I set more traps.  Just in case.  I thought to myself that this is surely the end!  Right?  I went out the garage cabinet again wanting to really clean it out good now that we caught two more mice.  I started moving the things and what do you know ... one more mouse went running.  I screamed.  It ran.  I set another trap.  Put another sticky trap in there with fresh peanut butter.  I put mice poison food on the shelf.  Surely this mouse will have it's last day TODAY!!!

I never heard the likes of such a story.  I am telling the truth!!!  I think God hears our prayers about the small and big things in our lives!  Including mice!  Please God, help me keep my cool and help us get all these mice out of our lives!!!!

~ Amen!