Thursday, October 31, 2013

"HIS eye is on the sparrow ...

... and I know HE watches me!!!"

The other morning, while listening to the radio, I heard this song.  After it was over, the announcer gave some history of how this song became about.  He said something about how a married elderly couple both had disabilities but yet always seemed to have a positive lookout in life.  They seemed to be happy even though they had daily challenges.  Daily problems.  Daily struggles.  A man came up to them one day and asked, "Why the happiness?"  Their response was this, "Because HIS eye is on the sparrow ... and I know He watches over me!"  This man went on to write this song and now many of us are blessed because of these words!!!

This week has been a challenging week.  Emotionally with trying to rid of all our mice!  And yes, the last of them was killed over the weekend.  We did not see anymore since Saturday!!!  Praise the Lord! 

My mind is full of lots of thoughts about life in general.  The choices we make today will most likely affect our children in the future.  I want with all my heart to surrender to God.  To His plans.  It can become a daily prayer and it's awesome to have peace that God is in control.  He's in control of all our wants, desires, wishes and hopes!!!  Going through the life of David in Bible Study and in my devotional time is so uplifting for me!!!  I am learning that David's secret to getting close to God was that he shared everything with God.  His feelings.  His hurts.  His victories!  His battles!  Everything!  I remember being in school and especially in high school when I did this a lot!!!  My studies were often prayed for and it seemed that I prayed more about my everyday things more than I do now.  Why?  I'm not sure?  I am trying to do much better at this!!!  I really think God loves when we pray and go to Him about our little things just as much as the big things!!!

This song has been ringing through my head all week!  It's so comforting to know in my spirit that God does really care and love me.  He watches over me.  Even when I doubt.  Or feel frustrated.  Or like I have the world's problems to fix and can't.  (I mean really???  Wouldn't it be so much better to surrender all to God and let Him take that weight?)  I am also going through a little Bible Story book right now for devotions.  It's just a small book with "real life" stories in the Bible.  I love it!!!  It's being a huge encouragement to me that God lead so many 'regular people' through the Bible and He did awesome things!  I mean walking through the Red Sea on dry ground?  Wow.  Being lead by fire and a cloud?  Being feed by birds?  Seeing the whole city flee because God made them hear 'a host of noise' and then the lepers walked into the city and found tons of food?  When the enemy was much bigger than the army fighting and yet they won the battle!!!  I mean like when God showed up at Mary's door and said she found favor with Him and that she would be the one birthing the 'Son of God'? 

These are great examples that God cared for His people.  He always took care of them.  Even when the people complained and had struggles and mess ups.  He looks out for us Christians!!!  That's awesome!!!  Really awesome!


I enjoyed two straight hours yesterday with massages!!!  My wonderful husband gave me a gift card for my birthday and it took me from May - October to finally get it scheduled at the local spa!!!  It felt great!  Thank you Mike!!!

Today, I have the bathrooms already cleaned, the two oldest are off to school and Mike's at work.  It will be a day of cleaning, organizing and getting ready for a fun weekend with my man!!!  I can't wait!!! 

Be encouraged today!!!  God is faithful.  He did and still does miracles!  He still fights battles for us and splits the waters in our lives so that we can walk on dry ground and not drown or waddle in the mud!!!  Grab your Bible when you are down.  Open it and start reading about all God has done and then realize that "He is the same yesterday, today and forever more.  He is the Alpha and Omega."  Believe it!!!  It's true!

If you see a sparrow flying around outside today, stop and think how God loves you so much more and is really watching over you today!  He loves me.  He loves you!!!  Much more than we can ever imagine!