Monday, December 30, 2013

Extended Christmas family dinner!

Yesterday we went to Sunday School.  I am Matthew's teacher and I had a fun craft for us to make!  Thanks to Pinterest.  I knew the kids would enjoy it and I love how it all turned out!!!

I had Matthew and Hadassah paint the wooden blocks that Mike brought home for me a few weeks ago.  Then during Sunday School, Matthew's class glued all the pieces together and made their own nativity set. 

After church, we went home to grab some goodies and out the door we went again.  We had a family dinner to attend with the Riehl Family!  Thanks to Allen's for opening up your place and inviting us all there!  The lunch was delicious! 

Right after we ate most of the children went inside to plan a quick program to perform for us mom's and dad's.  They did a really good job for knowing what to do in just a few minutes time!  They started with Hadassah and Ryan being "Mary & Joseph" and other children walking in.  They also brought along a live pony!  They sang some songs of Baby Jesus.  We helped sing too.  Then someone picked a song about shepherds and "shepherds" walked in.  :)  We sang more songs.  Another song about "wise men" was sung and yep ... "wise men" showed up in the scene too!  So good!  Some children shared poems, verses and other songs.  Then about a dozen children started singing "Give me the Roses while I live ..." and all gave Aunt Verna roses.  This was so touching and to remember Aunt Verna and her family over the holidays is important.  Uncle Merv went to be with the Lord this summer and going through the holidays without a husband/dad/grandpa/relative/friend ... is tough.  We all wiped tears as we sang songs of heaven! 

The children doing their program.
 Ashlyn and sister Jody watching.

Presenting Aunt Verna with roses.

We sang a song that I love.  The words are reassuring that even when we humans ask "Why" ... God is still there for us.  The words say, "How great is our God.  How great is His name.  He's the greatest One, Forever the same.  He rolled back the waters of the mighty Red Sea.  He said "I'm never gonna leave you, put your trust in Me."  So touching!

Then the whole scene changed as in walked Santa Claus and his wife.  Ashlyn asked, "Who is that?"  We don't believe in Santa and this was new for her to see.  :)  An Aunt and Uncle added some festive cheer and smiles to the crowd as they jingled through the people for a few minutes.  The Riehls know how to cry together and then laugh a lot together!!!

Time together with a large family is always loud, fun & happening!!!  There's not a dull moment with the Riehls!  The afternoon was fun with games of Rook, Bible Taboo & Dice being played! 

It was good to see Daudy Riehl again too!  He was the start of making our family be what it is today!!!

Thanks again Allen and Aary Mae for inviting us and having the whole Riehl crew!!!