Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Lighting of our Christmas tree!

On Saturday night, we drove to our usual Christmas tree farm and picked out the perfect tree!  I think it's the best one yet!  It's full all around and the smell of fresh evergreen is now in our living room.

Mike and the kids went up on the wagon and pulled down the tree we picked out.  We paid for the green tree and loaded it on the truck.  Then we made a quick drop in to see our newest family addition ... Janessa Shea.  She's so tiny and cute!  Congratulations John Ervin and Anna Ruth.

We brought the tree through the front door and set it up in the living room.  Our kids are so full of energy and loud lately.  They were so excited to put the lights on it and hang the ornaments.  Matthew even started putting the lights over Mike while he made sure the tree is straight.  The joy and fun they bring with traditions like these are contagious.  We all had fun decorating the tree and now I love to sit on the couch at night, with all the lights turned off (except for the tree lights) and admire it's beauty.  It's starting to really feel like Christmas!!!

My crazy, high active family ... love them!  PS ... Some days we don't get out of our pj's!  :/

This girl is so full of funny gestures, funny faces and silly comments!  Here Matthew is covering up Mike with the lights ... just to be doing something crazy!  (I promise ... we don't teach them these things!  :)  )

Matthew has a gift wrapped for Ashlyn and because it's the only gift wrapped so far, it was still placed under the tree.  Cute.

Our two lovely girls!
Yesterday, the kids had a two hour delay and the snow is bringing more Christmasy feelings!  I wrapped some presents and they are now under the tree.
This morning we have more 3 plus inches of fresh snow.  The kids are home all day with no school.  It's the kind of day that makes you smile and keep looking outside.  Matthew absolutely loves all the snow so far!  Him and Ashlyn were bundled up again and out together.  Hadassah baked a batch of chocolate chip cookies and then went outside too.  The painter is here and finishing up the two bedrooms for the kids.  I can't wait to have them organized and situated!  It's all been going great so far though.  Matthew slept in the single bed last night while the girls snuggled together in the full size bed.  He couldn't sleep in his room because of the strong paint smells.  In a few days and we will have two nice looking, freshly painted rooms!  I am amazed with what a coat of paint can do to a room! 
The small heater is now running ... trying to dry the wet boots and mittens.  I'm sure the kids will be having more fun outside later.  They are getting their "school room" set up for more fun.  They have a day off of school and then play school.  I like it!  :)